"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" All Members are Invited!! August 10 - 12, 2018 [closed]

+19 votes

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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and enjoy the multitude of topics.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread goodwill :)

WikiTree profile: Laura Bozzay
closed with the note: The Weekend Chat is closed until next weekend. August 17- 19, 2018
in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (910k points)
closed by David Selman

Me and Donnie Blackstone just cracked a solid brick wall with irrefutable sourcessmiley 

Too bad I don't work open profiles anymore. I am the X-Treme Kong of research ! No brag, just factcheeky

I have no doubt you and Donnie can shatter a ton of brick walls.  You are both excellent at researching some really hard to research profiles.  Thanks for taking the time to make our tree healthier and for stopping to help others learn how to use resources you understand better than most!
Welcome to the Weekend Chat, Katie.  Hope you enjoy it here!
Okay, me and Donnie just discovered he is kin to the Plott family of North Carolina. For those of you not familiar with that family, they bred the Plott hound, one of the best hunting dogs anywhere ever and modern dog heroes in disaster search and rescue

Speaking of stars:



We had some friends who came over tonight and when they left it was really dark out but we saw no shooting stars.  So I wanted to know when and how to see them!

The Perseid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity on 13 August 2018. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from 23 July to 20 August.

The Perseids are actually visible from July 17 to August 24, although you’ll see only a few meteors an hour throughout most of that time period. The sky show spikes on the peak dates, with an expected average of 90 shooting stars an hour.

If you have clear skies, this deep darkness should deliver a great performance on the evening of August 12, with rates of up to 120 shootings stars an hour visible from countryside locales. Observers in eastern North America, Europe, and the Middle East should get the best seats for this meteor bonanza, since the exact peak is expected to occur at 9 p.m. ET (01:00 UT).

Thank you, Laura, for the links and suggestion on the clock!
Ditto to this welcome and introduction for the WikiTree  Weekend Chat. Yes thank you very much Laura for hosting the WikiTree Weekend Chat.

Welcome everyone on the WikiTree Weekend Chat especially the newbie to it and to WikiTree.

What I put down in the answer I will copy and put in next weekend WikiTree weekend chat since I came on late because there has been a lot of stuff going on in the Barnett family and will up till we all get moved up to upper East Tennessee. So I will be coming on late because of that.
Linda glad you have time to drop in but do not feel any pressure to do as much as you normally do.  Take care of your family.  They come first!
Hello, everyone. I joined Wikitree back in 2016 but I was so confused by it that I drifted away. Despite being married to to a computer whiz I am easily intimidated. So I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a great week to come.
Kathy, Welcome to the Weekend Chat!  In the last few years a lot of help pages and videos have come out to help people get acclimated to using WikiTree.  Don't give up!  There are lots of really knowledgeable people here who love to help!  I think about it this way:

1.  Entry of ancestors.  Here you are basically typing in what you know.  Names, dates, places.  We ask that you add at least one good source.  Something like a birth, marriage, or death record.  A census record.  If you knew the person in your lifetime you can say that and what your relationship is to that person.  

2.  Fancying up a profile.  This is optional.  This is where you might learn to use some wikimarkup language to make things bold, add some subheads.  You can also use the image tool to add a photo or scanned document.

3.  Getting involved in the community.  This is where you join with others on topics of interest.  I recommend joining at least one project as you really learn a lot by being an active project member.  

4. Taking on WikiTree responsibilities.  This is where you join projects that require more knowledge of WikiTree like Mentors, Rangers, Arborists, Pre-1500 and might even become a coordinator or leader.

You basically determine what of the above you want to do and there is no right or wrong answer in terms of doing a little or doing a lot.  

We are just happy to have you here!

35 Answers

+23 votes


Recently some changes have been made to how merges are done and the process that supports a merge request.

First of all, an announcement was made by Chris Whitten that was announced on the Data Doctor email list:  Public profiles that were involved in a default-approved merge are now automatically changed to Open. There were about 1,500 pending merges where this applied.

Secondly, For a basic tutorial, see Paul Bech's merging video on YouTube.

Thirdly, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Merging provides written information on merging.  It has the following sections:  

1 Merges

2 Pending Merges

3 Unmerged Matches

4 Rejected Matches

5 Merging Help

5.1 Using the merge table

5.2 Merging text

5.3 Direction of a merge

5.4 Merging multiple duplicates

5.5 Merging parents

5.6 Merging spouses

5.7 Managers and Trusted Lists of merged profiles

6 Merge Problems

6.1 Accidental merges

6.2 Unanswered merge proposals

6.3 Profile Managers who refuse to merge

6.4 Profiles matched to themselves

7 Merging Shortcuts

8 Merging Free-Space Profiles

Remember:  All profiles should have one == Biography == headline and one == Sources == headline with one <references /> tag directly beneath it.

When you merge profiles, the text sections must be combined. Our merging software attempts to make this easier for you. The text from the biography section from the merged-away profile is appended to the bottom of the text from the biography section of the merged-into profile, and likewise with the sources sections.

This automatic merging is rough. Always review and edit it.

Direction of the merge matters.  We always merge a new duplicate into the original, first profile.  That means higher numbers into lower numbers.

The only exception is when the original profile had an incorrect Last Name at Birth. For example, a duplicate of Benjamin Franklin, e.g. Franklin-2, would be merged into Franklin-1. But if the original was called Franklyn, it would be merged into the first profile named Franklin.

If three or more profiles represent the same person, all duplicates should be merged into the final/original profile. For example, Franklin-3 and Franklin-2 should both be merged into Franklin-1. Franklin-3 should not be merged Franklin-2.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (910k points)
I need to print this out and keep it near my computer. Thanks, Laura!
I have been reading or trying to read all the Data Doctor emails that I subscribed too.  Yes, at times it does come in fast and furious, depending on the topic.  But, I must say that they are very helpful.  Thank you Laura for condensing and sharing these tips.  Now I just need to remember where i filed this when i need to refer to it.  Oh yes, look under Help and Merge.
Nicole I find the Data Doctor feed to be great fodder for the tips.  We do a great job of keeping up with WikiTree changes that often go unannounced or unnoticed.
Thank you for the tips Laura - great as always! I was happy as well to see that the team opened up those profiles.
The basic tutorial seems really out of date. Old screens. Process I have never used. It is easier now.
Sue that is good feedback!   I will let Paul know.  Maybe he wants to update it.
Ditto with what everyone said here on this chat and Laura you always give marvelous tips all the time especially this one. The changes you have made on WikiTree since I joined are much and marvelous better.

Welcome everyone on the WikiTree Weekend Chat especially the newbie to it and to WikiTree.
+23 votes

Puzzle:  State of Missouri

I live in Missouri and today is the anniversary of our Statehood.  In 1821 we became the 24th State.

So, our seek and find puzzle reflects places, people, history and culture of Missouri whose name is pronounced differently depending on where you live in the state!  On the Eastern / St Louis side we say Miz-oo-ree, while on the Western / Kansas City side we say Miz-oo-rah.  According to state government:  Missouri gets its name from a tribe of Sioux Indians of the state called the Missouris. The word "Missouri" often has been construed to mean "muddy water" but the Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology has stated it means "town of the large canoes," and authorities have said the Indian syllables from which the word comes mean "wooden canoe people" or "he of the big canoe." 

We are a place that acts as a gateway and merges a lot of cultures.  We are known as the Gateway to the West.  During the Civil War we were claimed by both sides.  The Mighty Mississippi River brought a lot of diverse immigrant populations to the state and was a major travel route for indigenous people.  We have plains, coastal areas, lakes, rivers, mountains, and forests.  One of the top 5 zoos in the world is in St Louis and it is free https://www.stlzoo.org/   A lot of things in Missouri are free or very affordable https://www.atlasobscura.com/things-to-do/missouri/places?page=1  and https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/missouri/free-things-to-do-mo/  There are 42 words or phrases in our puzzle that evoke the diversity of Missouri, no matter how you say it!  Docx and pdf versions located here:



by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (910k points)
Happy Birthday, Missouri!!  My home state.
Howdy neighbor!  https://www.50states.com/facts/missouri.htm

Michelle, Welcome to the Weekend Chat!
Happy birthday, Missouri. Home of Branson, the casino capital of the state according to the Simpsons.
Thank you for the wonderful puzzle! It's interesting how the states are said differently depending on the region. I'm from the West Coast but in Kentucky now. Hearing people say 'Nuh-voh-da' instead of 'Nuh-vah-da' drove me nuts when I first got here.
Yep we are a big country with lots of different regional flavors and cultures.  Makes learning about them so much fun!
I hear you, Mindy. From NH even though I was born in Lawrence, Mass. and it's annoying when people ask if we can park the car in Harvard Yard. You can't. Take the T like a normal person. =)
Ditto to everyone on this chat and Laura you always give marvelous puzzles.

Welcome everyone on the WikiTree Weekend Chat especially the newbie to it and to WikiTree.
+20 votes
Hi there. Nothing much new is happening to me genealogy wise.

My mothers connection to the Irish family is becoming more secure.

One of the second cousins has a son who just did his DNA test and he too is showing up as a 2nd to 4th cousin match.

He would actually be a 3rd cousin to me generation wise.


I also have a couple of DNA connections from USA and Canada who are showing up as 2nd to 4th cousin matches - and I have asked the 2nd cousin (in NZ)  if these names show up on her matches list as well. I am hoping that they dont - so that I can know for sure that they are not connected through the Irish family.


And as always my family chat starts in 5 hours!!

Thanks for the Puzzle and the Merge tips Laura.

 Missouri - thats the SHOW ME state -  As in SHOW ME THE MONEY!!  LOL
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Yes we Missourians are a skeptical lot...  

Robynne you really have made a lot of headway on your family DNA analysis in a short period of time.  Great work!
Well, you're in the middle of the continent. What ya expect? Over here in the northeast we'd have ya under a microscope. =) And then maybe we'd go to Dunkies after.
Chris I have been under a microscope most of my life!  In one way or the other...I don't think anyone has completely figured me out yet!
Isn't it great to get those relatives to take dna tests?! It's amazing how much genealogy has changed since that became possible and popular. Hope you enjoyed your family chat!
Well the 2nd cousin says that the 2 names from USA and Canada were NOT on her list of Matches which means they are most likely from my fathers side. My father is NOT Irish - he was totally English and Scottish. That is a huge help for me looking to find the MRCA.

I do agree with you Mindy.

My sister plans to take a DNA test later this year as well - but she has to save up some money - and she wants to wait for the Holiday sales (Thanksgiving and Xmas).
FTDNA has a sale right now https://www.familytreedna.com/products

If your mother tested you can run the People who match 2 or more kits and then all the people who match both of you on your one to many report are from your mother's side.   Everyone else is therefore from your father's side.
I'm not sure that I want to upload my mothers DNA results to FT DNA. I will have to pay $19 USD to use their chromosome broswer and other tools...

And even if I do, my budget means I will have to wait until the end of the month.
I should get around to paying the 19 bucks. But, what's the point? I have a bit of overlap from Ancestry and FTDNA. For you guys I say pay it.  See how it goes. =D I may pay some day. I don't know.

NH is always under the microscope come election season. So fun....

No it's not. It really isn't.
+21 votes

Today is.......


The most popular campfire treat is recognized each year on August 10th during National S’mores Day.  This delicious, gooey treat is loved by millions across the United States.

S’mores consists of a roasted marshmallow with a layer of chocolate bar sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker.

The origin of this tasty snack is credited to the entrepreneur Alec Barnum. However, the first recorded version of the recipe can be found in the 1927 publication of Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.   Even though the Girl Scouts were not the first ones to make s’mores, Girl Scout groups describe them in their reports as early as 1925.  Earlier recipes used the name “Some Mores”.  It is unclear when the name was shortened to “S’mores”.

Today there are many variations on the original s’more. Try spreading peanut butter on the graham crackers before adding the other ingredients. Substitute peanut butter cups in place of the chocolate bar. Replace the graham crackers with fudge-dipped cookies. 


Here is a S’more Bar recipe for you to make, enjoy and share with your friends and family. How many different ways can you make a s’more? Use #NationalSmoresDay to post on social media. 


National S’mores Day origins are currently unknown.  Camp Kesem is the 2018 Official Sponsor for National S’mores Day. Click on for a video:  http://campkesem.org/national-smores-day

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
OOH Smores I dont think I have had those. They are not a kiwi favourite - and we dont have graham crackers. Havent had them in canada either.
Robynne you can make your own!


or this one uses wheat flour


They really are yummy and best when made over an open fire under twinkling stars and shared with friends.
Maybe we will make S'mores while we are out watching the meteor showers this weekend.
I hope it is clear this weekend. We usually go up into Rocky Mountain National Park west of the Continental Divide to see the Perseids.  The lights from Denver and the rest of the Front Range get blocked so you can see things much better.
Doug, I live out in the country and just up the street is an observatory in one of the county parks and they are having a special event there this weekend.

Yummmm, thank you Dorothy! I haven't had one since my girls all grew up and moved out though. I miss having kids to use as an excuse to make treats lol wink

+20 votes

Today is also my home state day:


Woven into the fabric of this state’s historic landscape, we find revolutionaries, innovators, and philosophers.  On August 10, National Connecticut Day recognizes the contributions of the fifth state to join the United States of America.

Like other colonies of the region, the Dutch first explored and founded trading posts in Connecticut.  In 1633, Puritans from Massachusetts established the first permanent settlement.   From the outset, the industry established a means to prosperity in the colony.  Production of brass buttons and munitions placed the colony in a position to later supply the Revolutionary Army.  The colonial governor of Connecticut, Jonathan Trumbull, was the only governor who supported independence.

All three Connecticut delegates to the first Continental Congress continued their representation of the colony at the Second Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence.

In fact, Roger Sherman is the only person to have signed the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. Eliphalet Dyer served the state of Connecticut as chief justice after the revolution.

Silas Deane served as a spy during the war and was for a time branded a traitor along with another Connecticut native, Benedict Arnold. He died penniless, but decades later in 1840, his granddaughter would petition Congress to review his records. His name would be cleared.

Connecticut’s small but full landscape holds countless revolutionary stories and adventures along New England’s National Scenic Trail. Through every season and every era, there’s something for every generation to enjoy!


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Wow a shared state birthday!    Great fun!

        For me....


And they were lucky to have you!
Happy State Birthdays Dorothy and Laura
I find it interesting that we don't seem to celebrate this in the state.  

Do any other states celebrate statehood day?
Hi Laura, since I have been doing this, today was the first day a state had a birthday if you will. I found it on my list here of National Holidays for August: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/august/
I don't think I have ever head of a state celebrating its statehood date and you would think that would be a big deal.

Right, it wasn't on the news either so I don't know.  I googled though and found this one: 


US State Birthdays - April

 by  |  | 0 comment(s)

"Happy Birthday!" to Maryland & Louisiana.

+17 votes

Today is the birthday of Leo Fender who founded the Fender  Electeric Music Instriment Manufactering Company. I checked and yes he has a profile on WikiTree, Fender-213 , so I added a basic biography and more sources this morning. I have to go to calling hours this afternoon for my sons father in law and the service is tomorrow so I will not be around much. I also found out my much younger cousin has lung cancer and she never smoked. I also fired my doctor this week. he prescribed a medicine for treating MS, a disease I do not have, saying that it was recommended for diabetics but when I checked the link he provided I not only found that statement to be false but I found that by the standards of the American Diabetes Association I should not be labeled as diabetic. I have not given up with medical treatment, in fact I made an appointment with a different doctor a couple of weeks before the appointment I cancelled with the old doctor. Well off to get ready for the calling hours for a man who was 6 years younger than I am. Not what I want to do but what I should do.

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
I'm easing toward type 2 diabetes. Don't have it yet but both parents did. I take JANUMET.
Eddie, I am at risk but my glucose levels are well below the reading where you should do the tests, in fact 95% of the time they are below what would be normal for a non diabetic. My ex doctor just wants to find problems where there is none.
It is always best to get a second opinion when dealing with chronic illnesses like diabetes.  It runs in one side of my family but changes in diet can help ward it off.   Having trust in your doctor is paramount!.

Dale, my wife is in the same boat. She’s in a low carb diet, and it helps. No medication yet. Means she can have none of the food she loves, and so I’m on the diet, too! frown Whatever it takes.

You keep healthy. You are a valued member here. 

Dallace and Pip, You are missing the point. According to the standards set by the American Diabetes Association I am not diabetic. I have not even reach the point where testing for diabetes is recommended but this doctor has set HIS standards so low that everyone would be classed a diabetic just so he can push drugs on people. He is no longer my doctor because of that. The hospital he has works with wanted me to see a neurologist when I went there for totally different disease and after several blood tests they did not even say I had diabetes, I refused the neurologist because I did not have anything wrong he could treat. Sadly I am stuck with that hospital and their doctors until January.
Dale, I wasn’t clear. My wife isn’t diabetic, but her doc (and she really likes this doc) said her sugar was high and to start working on it. Hence, the low carb diet, which is working for her. Helps for weight loss, too, as that’s been a contributing factor.

I get it now, that you are kinda stuck by the medical profession. However, you getting second opinions and such and refusing care you know you don’t need, is right. I hope you can find someone who is more attuned to listening to their patients.
Eddie stay well...   diabetes can attack every organ.  Not worth the risk.

We like you here and healthy!
My wife and I each saw about a 10% drop in our blood sugar levels when taking a cinnamon supplement. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cinnamon-and-diabetes#section9.
My husband takes blueberry gel caps, does wonders to level out glucose levels.  Cinnamon is great as well.  And of course diet.  I too am on a sympathetic diet.  sigh... I think that is why i love all the food entries, then i need to turn around and wipe the drool off my keyboard.
In the US cassia has been allowed to be marketed and labeled as cinnamon since the 1800s.  The trees are I think cousins of a sort but not the same.  True Cinnamon only comes from Cinnamom tree.  


While I agree with a lot of what this says I disagree with the parts about which is superior vs inferior in terms of taste.  Having owned a spice company and done countless taste tests I think I have a more scientific view than opinion on that

It comes down to the % of volatile oils that create the taste of the various types of cinnamon / cassia.  

In the taste tests we did we found that most people preferred one with around 2% volatile oil.  Less was too bland for most American pallets True Cinnamon has less was deemed blander.  Vietnamese / Siamese has more generally around 5% and was deemed too strong.  The 2% Korintje Cassia which is often called Japanese Cinnamon was the one we sold the most of. And in blind taste tests it was the one people picked 80% of the time.  

For health uses both cinnamon and cassia have similar results on the human body.  I suspect for medicinal purposes the cheapest available is what they are using.
I do hope all of the alternative suggestions help those who really have a problem and not just a drug pushing doctor.
According to everything I have read a blood glucose level of less than 110 but greater than 70 is in the normal range, mine read at his last test 106. Also my A1 C level was less than the max number of 6.4 but this doctor has put in my medical records that I am diabetic and that is false. he also wanted to prescribe cholesterol medication when my levels were below the 199 reading that you have to reach before you have a problem there, mine was 165, as well as prescribe a medication to treat MS, a condition I have never been diagnosed with.

Yes all of those conditions are serious and need to be treated when necessary but by recommended medical standards I do not have those conditions and that is why I called him a drug pusher to his face and found a different doctor.
Glad you are keeping good track of that - dang medical system is rife with bad stuff because of insurance and because of drug reps - hell I went through a lot of trouble trying to treat my hot flashes - they gave me gabapenten and it makes you stupid - hated it and quit but for about three or four months I took that nasty drug - keep them on the up and up Dale
Navarro, I agree anything that makes you dull is suspect.  Sometimes the side effects are worse than the disease.
+18 votes
Does anyone else on Wikitree ever pay for research assistance in foreign countries? Out of desperation I turned to a professional genealogist in Croatia who pulled and photocopied birth, marriage and death records that were not available online. Typically if I can't find something I just put that part of my research on hold and move on. But in this case I really wanted the source material and I found someone in Croatia who could do it. Her fees were reasonable and I got my info. I'm just wondering if anyone else in Wikitree Land has done this too.
by Bart Triesch G2G6 Pilot (280k points)

I haven’t... yet. And it’s going to be a while due to an upcoming wedding. The Princess gets a princess wedding! indecision $$$!

Hi Bart, Welcome to the Weekend Chat!   I do a lot of research in foreign countries but I have only pad for access to records like Scotland's People, not for someone to do the research.  I am fortunate to have cousins in the countries where I want to research and they often do the in country legwork.  I do research for them in English speaking countries and they do research for me in countries around the world.
Pip I will be married 42 years in September.  I wanted a small wedding... I ended up with a sit down luncheon for 500.   Not sure what my parents would have done if I said I wanted a big wedding!

Ha! My wife wanted to run to the courthouse. But as this was my first, I, yes, I, wanted the big wedding. Congrats on 42 years. We just passed 28 this year. Old when we got married. surprise

Hiya Bart, glad to see you in the chat. I have a cousin that uses professional services occasionally for Portuguese records that aren't available online. He is on WikiTree. Sometimes there is just no other way.
I agree Mindy. The young woman in Croatia was fantastic. She actually pulled way more info than I asked her to. Plus she gave me tips on Croatia church records that enabled me to find more info on my own.
+18 votes
Greetings from Everett, Washington.

Fun meeting last night at the Mukilteo Historical Society.  We honored our Pioneer of the Year who will ride in the parade Sept 8th. I presented the Mukilteo Minute using a new source she gave the Society about the family of our founder, Jacob Fowler.  My husband and I often portray Mr and Mrs Fowler at city events and now I have the opportunity to portray the second Mrs Fowler as well . In exchange I shared a death cert and grave photo. The Pioneer of the Year did not know that her mother's first husband was buried in the Pioneer Cemetery.  

Today we will take our 15 year old Yorkie to the dog groomer.  Tomorrow we'll go to a wedding in beautiful Port Gamble.  I will take any spare moment to work on profiles.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (370k points)
Hi Margaret in Everett! I was born in Everett and now live on nearby Camano Island. My ancestors arrived in Everett in 1889!
Wow parade floats and historical characters.   Sounds like great fun!

Washington Apples are great... I bet you also have lots of yummy local food!
How fun Margaret! What a great way to honor those ancestors.
+18 votes
Happy Weekend Chat! The past week was a good one for working out in the garden.Starting to get enough production (the garden went in late due to travel schedules and weather). Also made a batch of peach jam and will be canning peach salsa tonight.  Also cleaning up my beehives.

Genealogy has been slow. Read through a bunch more WWi personnel records and have started to improve the profiles I already created. That and got through another chapter in a DNA book.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
Peggy we sometimes go to the Kansas City area as my sister in law lives in Weston.
I'll certainly look into Aerogardens.

I take my Mom to Weston a few times a year because she loves Polish Pottery and there's a regional supply store  "downtown".   It's a fun historic town to escape the traditional city.

Doug as anyone who has ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy knows... 42 is: "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years. Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is.

However I was amazed at how many really solid things 42 represented on the Wikipedia link...   these cover everything from real mathematics, science, technology, astronomy and even religion.  And a host of pop culture and art representations as well.  It is wort a look!

Peggy, Lona is one of the owners and she is my sister in law!  Small world!

If you go in ask for her and tell her you are a friend of mine!
I certainly will!   It's such a fun store.
It's a sad day when Laura beats me to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference. I already used it on my brother who turned 42 this year. >=)
Ta Da!
I wondered who would be the first with the Hitch Hikers Guide reference! 42 is just an overall good number.
I was really knocked out by all the things it is associated with.  That Wikipedia link is really interesting I think!

We won a trivia night event because we knew the answer to What is the meaning of everything in the Universe.   Of course people at our table thought we were kidding and we had to really fight for the answer but we got it right and won the event!
I certainly loved the book.   Thought is was totally apropos when Elan Musk placed it in the glove compartment of the Tesla he launched into space  (with Starman at the wheel) last spring.
+18 votes
I transitioned from home physical therapy to going to the bricks and mortar
building for it.  I was way ahead of normal gains so took a chance and made
the switch.  This week involved needing to drive to a church dinner club meeting because I was on the committee for serving.  Today I am going to therapy and then to a 64th year class reunion for my high school graduation class, 1954. There are about eight of the original 29 still around.  We also have included anyone who was in our high school years and have a small group of about 20 who meet.  Tomorrow our
local Grange sponsors "Old Home Day" which is very similar to a small
town firemens field day.  All were a big incentive to do all of my exercises
and my knee is still improving.  Now the real hard stretches are  coming in to play and the hard work is beginning.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (630k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
Beulah sounds like you are recovering very nicely and starting to take back your life...  good for you!
Glad to hear you’re doing well, Beulah!
You should be proud of your progress Beulah!      As they say  "No Pain, No Gain".     Keep us up to date....
+20 votes

Greetings, Worldwide Cousins!

Thanks for hosting, Laura!

I hope everyone is enjoying his or her summer or winter!  We are having a nice monsoon in New Mexico.  Temperatures are down a bit and humidity is up, and nothing is on fire near me.  Sorry, California!  Good vibes to all y'all.  Stay safe!



Oh, yeah, this too:

Android by Gerwin Sturm, tutorial by Jo Nakashima

Awesome geometry trick!  Square piece of paper divided into five equal strips, without pencil or ruler.  Watch the first three minutes.  cool

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (787k points)
edited by Living Tardy
While I can find my way around computer software easily enough, I've always left the hardware up to others.   Now that I've retired,  my husband is my IT Department.....  He just ordered a Solid State Drive for his computer and claims he'll upgrade me soon.  (I wasn't even aware I needed one.)

Peggy, if I had told my wife I meant to upgrade her, she would take it personally.  surprise

Our friend found a new home.

Next week do the Lost in Space robot. Or Gort. (Gort, Klaatu barada nikto)
Peggy as different health issues creep up I often tell my husband I want an android body and he can even pick the shape!  So far he gives me all kinds of other things but no android body.....
Ah yes Laura,

The aging thing does creep up.   I once worked with an older woman who said frequently  "Getting old isn't for sissies."   Now I'm her age.  (Hmmmmm)  But the bright side;  this retirement thing bodes me well.
I always look forward to your origami Herbert - thank you! Not good to have a monsoon around, but I'm glad your area isn't on fire. I have family in California, they've had a rough road lately.
Thanks, Mindy!  We New Mexicans love our monsoon, and look forward to it every year!
Retirement was the best thing I ever did. Of course, I have less time now than when I was working.
So true!
+17 votes

On the genealogy front, I’ve received some AMAZING assistance from the members of the community. The Trevailer/Travilla/etc. line has boomed with sources, and I have also to give credit to Beth Stephenson for her work on this line. I am VERY pleased!

Also, I got step-by-step instructions from David Selman on working the tracker for the integrators challenge for this month. I’m a slow learner. Hope I can figure it out. Gotta hand it to David: he’s been very patient with me!

And work is progressing slowly  on my on free space page for Co. 10th NC  State Troops (Artillery) with help and guidance from several folks. 

I’m trying not to add any more family profiles right now. I started too fast on WikiTree, so I’m working on those already in the tree.

Home frustrations! Got the mower fix and mowed the 2 1/2 acres. Then, another part gave out. Repairman back today, so all good. Grass is still VERY HIGH due to all the rain the past two weeks. I’d love to share every bit of that rain with California! However, as I was mowing earlier, I found four trees damaged by a beaver, one beyond saving. angry Off to the Tractor Store to buy fencing to put around all of them near the creek. 

Also lost a 15’ x 4’ section of our creek bank undercut by the creek during a particularly bad spate of rain a week ago. Grrrr. Fortunately, it’s further on down from the house, but the neighbor, Gaia Herbs, is gaining property as the creek moves into our property. Just can’t afford the riprap right now. One thing at a time.

Otherwise, all good here in the mountains. I hope everyone is well and has a great weekend! 

by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Gotta get a goat!

Yes, but you never want to be the goat!

Hahaha! I am an old goat, or at least I feel like one sometimes. 60 last May.
You ain’t that close to the River, are you? Those beavers have an official name (which mine doesn’t), the Army Corps of Engineers, so protected.

Mississippi River to Ohio River to Mahoning River to Crab Creek and then I'm a dead man. 

It's already happening ! ! Farewell. Farewell !


Eddie, we will make sure you have a life jacket and a boat!
Pip you youngster!

Eddie https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=12465000   looks pretty safe to me... the big flood was 72 you are at 18.
Yes that is some pretty serious flooding!   Stay in and stay safe!  

But I did notice you have a Clingon (so of course I thought Klingon) Rd which made me laugh...  

Gotta look for the bright side!   Hopefully the rains stop and the water goes down quickly.   How close are you to the flooded areas?
+15 votes
This is the annual family camp out weekend. Of course it will rain; it always does, has for 35 years. There should be about 40 or 50 of us across 3 generations. We’re staying at a different campground (with electricity and water), and a couple are staying at a B&B. Looking forward to meeting a new first cousin found by doing genealogy.

Will visit dead relatives (cemeteries) next week.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
The camp out sounds wonderful!

And I see dead people, too. Just not like in the movie, but like you, Kay. Love cemeteries!
Kay it is great that you include your relatives who have passed on in the reunion this way.  Very touching.  Hope you have good weather and break the trend!
+16 votes
Hi, It's been a while since I checked in here.  I've been trying to work on reducing the number of unsourced profiles I have in my watchlist. I'd ben working on getting 1000 or more contributions each month but after a small stroke, I figured I'd best minimize the number of unfinished profiles I have.  BTW, as best I can figure, there's a problem on WikiTree in terms of displaying more than 200 records.  when I try displaying the 2nd or later page of unsourced profiles it shows me a 2nd page consisting of the next 200 profiles which are unsourced, but takes them from the total unsourced pile rather than from my watchlist. Anyway, if I can get all my unsourced profiles down under 200, I won't have to worry about the problem.  But if anyone happens to know how to display more than 200 unsourced profiles from my unsourced watchlist, let me know.

Anyway, we had a bad haboob here in Tempe the other night and My old computer bit the dust and the Staples computer guy said my motherboard was fried.  But my hard drive seemed to be ok so I'll be able to recover my data or at least transfer it to a thumb drive.  Meanwhile I've transferred over to my new computer and got a cheap external drive so I can load in some discs I've got with genie data on it.

I've now got my weight down to 150 which is my ideal weight (down from 280 a few years ago.) Which has let me stop taking any pills with the exception of a baby aspIrin (?)
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
Dave, Take it easy and don't worry much about WikiTree while you recover from your stroke. My 38 year old daughter had a stroke about a month ago and is not able to travel yet, she can't even ride in a car for more than 2 hours, but we told her that it is OK to miss the funeral of a family member this weekend. Your health is more important than any profile on WikiTree in my opinion.
I also have an external hard drive that I use for backup data. That really makes transferring to a new computer much easier.

Dave, great on the weight loss. I’m trying to get there, too. Well, not that low, as my 6’ 3” frame won’t allow me that. Maybe 190. 

Thanks for the reminder. I’m off to save all my stuff into a flash drive!

Dave we have missed you!   Welcome Back!  So sorry to hear about your health.  Congratulations on your weight loss and your paring down the unsourced profiles.  

Have you tried using WikiTree+ to see your unsourced profiles?

http://wikitree.sdms.si/default.htm   for suggestion select 802 Empty profile.  Then in the managed by put in your WikiTree ID  and press User Suggestions   It should bring back all of the profiles you have that have nothing in the bio section.
+15 votes
Hello Wikipeeps!

Well don't have much to say this weekend maybe an inspiration will hit later this week.

Have a great weekend
by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (395k points)

I can’t believe it! Nothing? Cmon! laugh

Steve, sometimes saying nothing is the best thing to do!   That is why they say "silence is golden."   

How is your hunt for family going?

Pip, Not sure what the problem perhaps **** for brains or the need for something strong to drink.yes

Laura, Still following up a few leads but nothing new. It's been awhile since I checked GEDMATCH

I check it about once a month.  New people show up all te time.
A Vodka Collins, neat, on me.
Dude. Come on! Make something up if you are desperate! No one'll know. Then again you are talking to a ravenous bunch of researchers who will look into those facts and then beat you over the head with the truth.

Not saying I ever did that. =)

Need a drink, huh? I know I got some vodka leftover from Eddie's birthday party around here somewhere....

Anyway, I did check out gedmatch. One new person! Laura and I are trying to figure out where she falls in the grand scheme of things. I also may have kept refreshing the page WAITING for her results to finish cooking.
+17 votes
Often times genealogy can make you smile ... this made me laugh.

Adding an ancestor's profile just now (Samuel Jewett 1843-1920) ,,, did the Family Search thing and found a record of his marriage to Frances E. Drake ... woo hoo! ... but the document has her listed as Frank E. Drake ... here tis:


Onward and upward ...
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Bob Jewett

Awesome. So, how many times did she circumnavigate the globe? ;-)

Good catch, JN, I thought about Sir Frances too ...
Did you notice that they lived next door to her brother and his wife?  Look at the listing above them.  Same parents listed.  

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Drake makes you wonder if he is related
I knew a girl, can't remember her last name but whenever she signed a document it was Ted E. instead of Teddie.
Some parents name their children some "interesting names"   like

Chris Cross.   My Dad wanted to name me Copper but the rest of the family stepped in...  my LNAB being Pennie....  

My husband wanted to name one of our sons with the middle name of Xavier so we would have a something X Bozzay (long o)   We did not!

Laura, I'm gettin' old ... read your post last night and said 'huh' ... this AM I look again and, oh, exposé

Yes it is somewhat subtle!   But no, I was not going name my children that!

Of course they got middle names from the Arthurian legend!  Macsen and Emrys.   Macsen is Maximus and the sword was in some versions said to be his.  and Emrys was Merlin's name and mean shining light.  So we have the King and the Wizard ...   

I met my husband because he was an Old English major (communications masters degree) and I was carrying Tennyson's L'Morte de Arthur.   

Then when we got married and went to pick out china, the pattern we liked we discovered was named Bryn Mawr the hill Merlin lived on...

We got a dog and had to name it with an F per the kennel for pedigree consistency.  She was a houdini dog able to open any kind of door or gate.  So we named her Feta Morgana which was Italian for Moran le Fey.  

Yes I was a member of the Arthurian Legend Project along with Jackson Day and Ros Haywood

LOL. X Bozzay. Oh, man.

Should have done it. Totally!

No odd names in our family but a friend of mine did name his kids after Batman and Indiana Jones.
oldest is Amanda Lynn
+14 votes

Missouri day and CT day. What is it here in NH?  Friday. Oh, well.

Hails and horns, Wikitreers! I had a very interesting week. I finally saw Ant-Man and the Wasp. *sees Charlotte mouth "Finally"* Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did a quick text review of it: http://starbolts.blogspot.com/2018/08/movie-thoughts-ant-man-and-wasp.html Was good. Then again there hasn't really been a truly AWFUL MCU movie. Fight me on that. I dare ya. 

On the genealogy front, I have a couple stories. Today my mother has to go to a wake for a cousin of hers' husband. She said that if I had any questions to ask her aunt to write 'em down. Needless to say I jumped at the chance. I wasn't gonna pass this up. I printed out seven questions. I only had a few really important ones. And I asked for pictures. LOTS of pictures.  I also hopped on Skype and messaged my fourth cousin to see if she had any questions since they connect too. I asked about her grandmother, Lucie , the death date for her grandfather , Lucie's sister Josephine (My cousin's line comes from Josephine.) and a few others. Will she remember? Probably. Woman's got sharp mind.

Meanwhile on my Italian side, I talked to a cousin who helped me out with Francesco Papatola's bio . She was impressed with what I found. My great-aunt thinks I should do genealogy professionally. I'd love to. I just don't know how I'd get started. At least those Political Science Research Methods classes FINALLY pay off. That's a story for another time and place. Word to the wise, though. Never take a class about research methods at 8 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Your soul will be crushed. =)

My Papatola cousin and my great-aunt exchanged numbers and my dad's cousin, Cathie finally got her DNA test up on Ancestry. Been showing her the ropes. Love being helpful. The awesome and talented Laura is also helping me and a DNA match figure out where she falls. That's always fun.

Have a great chat, everyone!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (882k points)
edited by Chris Ferraiolo
And helpful you are!
=D Thanks!
My PoliSci minor made me into a news junkie!
I've always been one to stay informed with the news and learn about places. Especially far away places.

I hated history until I took a history research class and worked with original records regarding the Salem Witch Trials. Made history much more interesting and was a good foundation to do genealogy from. Of course, my science side has always had to do research. My art side pretty much just wings it.

Chris, if you think you might want to become a professional genealogist, I would highly recommend taking courses at one of the various institutes and having discussions with the professionals who are working on certification (mostly BCG - Board for Certification of  Genealogists). Also, anyone who is thinking they might want to write for any of the big name journals might want to take Tom Jones's "Writing & Publishing for Genealogists" class at IGHR. He just retired as editor of the NGSQ and 2019 might be the last time he teaches it. It was an incredible class. He will also be teaching a week long class at GRIP on â€śMastering the Art of Genealogical Documentation”. 5 days of intensive source citations.

Back when I was a teaching assistant (see, I spelled it out), in another galaxy far far away, I got assigned a section that met Saturday at 8AM.  I was not a happy grad student.  At least I got to be the soul crusher, not the crushee.  Always a silver lining.
Cool, Doug! I'll check that out! Thanks!

Herbert clearly relishes in ultimate power. =)


You should realize souls are amorphous and can't be crushed.   Your soul was actually being sucked from your body bit by bit when you were a grad student.  Most have none left at our age.surprise

That would explain so much!
+14 votes

The weather is HOT. Yesterday set a record for the hottest August 9th in this town. Yet another reminder of the overwhelming evidence1 that greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and methane), generated from human activities, have cause our climate to heat up. And it's spoiling the inheritance our ancestors passed on to us.

The Temperature of the World since 1850

(And yes, climate change has also resulted in both daily and annual record high temperatures becoming more frequent occurrences.2,3)

Locally, we also have had a fairly severe forest fire season which has made for some really hazy days lately. Although, there was a certain excitement and horror in watching, from home, the aerial drops of fire retardant and water on a quickly spreading fire a few weeks ago. Here's a pic of one of the helicopters racing to the scene:

Helicopter flying towards a smoking hillside.

On the genealogy side, I was able to make some progress on my Germans-from-Russia side, thanks to discovering the work of Arthur Flegel (R.I.P.) and others. And for WikiTree specifically, I've managed to significantly drop the numbers in my Unconnected watchlist:

Two days ago:

77 unconnected profiles two days ago


Feels so good to see that number drop. 

Well, I think  it's about time for some cool refreshment! Have a great weekend, folks.

Cat with beer

by anonymous G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
Can we please keep politics and religion out of the Weekend Chat?  Thanks.
I haven't said anything political, Herbert. Mere scientific fact. Politics is the question of how to address the problem of climate change.
We could discuss whether your post was political, JN, but I'm not taking that bait.  It doesn't belong here, IMO.
I'm not trying to "bait" you Herbert. Honestly.It was the hottest August 9th on record here. The increased frequency of record highs is a direct result of anthropogenic climate change; that's been rigorously shown scientific data. Those are both scientific facts. I've left the discussion of what to do about it outside of here. You're welcome to your beliefs and opinions about the best course of action: 'Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Moreover, you're welcome to not respond to me if you would rather not engage.
There are competing theories on why we have the weather we do.

Our guidelines which can be found here:

  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:All_About_the_Weekend_Chat#Rules_.2F_Guidelines_.2F_Procedures   (or just click the blue box in the opening section for All About the Weekend Chat).   specifically mentions politics as a topic to be avoided.  

Stating the weather is hottest is fine saying it comes from global warming can be construed as political. since it has become a political discussion.

Any topic that causes polarized view points is something we try to avoid on the Weekend Chat.

First, I did not state that this particular hot day can solely be attributed to climate change. I stated, with sources, that it was a reminder that such days are becoming more frequent. That increase in frequency has been demonstrated by scientists to be largely the result of human impacts on the environment.

There are competing theories on the shape of the earth, yet I am willing to say that it is a fact that the shape of the earth is an oblate spheroid. As a scientist, I can assure you that there are many a "competing theory" (as you call them), but none of them are valid because they have been disproved. I've read some of the papers of true experts and they are unanimous in the assessment. 

Finally, where I have lived, in Europe and in Canada, these are matters of scientific fact backed by evidence and acknowledged by all parties - it is not something contentious in any way, nor should I be perceived as trying to be contentious. To me, it would seem that Herbert is the one who injected political issues; the science itself is apolitical.

Thank you, Laura, I have cleared the red flags!

Let agree to disagree and move on as the Weekend chat is no place for a discussion of the views on global warming or bringing politics into the Weekend Chat. Thank you!

Rules / Guidelines / Procedures

As always, be nice. WikiTree is all about being polite and kind. Because our site is free and open and as genealogy is about families, in order to keep the chat fun for people of all ages, we need to remember our postings to the chat are open to the public. :-) So please no politics, crude language, or more adult type topics. Say something positive and above all have fun.

Please "flag" any inappropriate content. It will be reviewed, evaluated, and dealt with promptly.

Post as many answers on different topics as you wish, it's ok!

Lets please keep controversial post out of the Weekend Chat. Thank you, David


Your introductory statement  that global warming is  "generated from human activities" is why  I consider your topic  political and not scientific.  It certainly is considered political by me.  Please take advantage of the incredible opportunities G2G has to offer and find other internet sites who will  provide a forum for this discussion. 

I am in agreement with David's statement above and hope that we can move on from this discussion and enjoy the benefits of easy going topics and posts about our achievements concerning genealogy endeavors etc. We appreciate the spirit of working together, and being able to laugh, cry or just be silly in our other endeavors without controversial type issues.  Thank you to Laura and others who strive to make our weekend chat an enjoyable experience!!  My two cents!!!

Thank you, Dorothy! I agree completely let's keep the Weekend Chat a friendly and fun place for all.


Global Warming isn't political where I live.  It's just a fact that needs to be addressed.  It's why CFCs are no longer in aerosol sprays worldwide.  It's why McDonalds has discontinued using styrofoam packaging.  It's why my local water taxes went higher to pay for higher dykes in the future (for when the ocean rises).

It seems like JN Murphy just got lynched and I wanted him to know he's not alone!


Thanks for the cat video loop!wink

Vincent, perhaps you did not understand that this thread is closed.  No one has been lynched.  Just toning down a polarizing topic. The very fact you posted what you did supports our view that this is not a topic for the Weekend Chat.   David, Dorothy and I are the Weekend Chat officials.  All 3 of us have asked that this topic be avoided. So please everyone, let's move on to non polarizing topics.
+16 votes

Happy Weekend to All!

I think the hummingbirds like our new feeder.

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Now I understand why you're the perfect host for the Weekend Chat.  So much depth to you.    I've always considered myself an animal lover but have NEVER warmed up to a bumble bee.  You'll be glad to hear I've never killed one but there may have been a cicada killer massacre a few years back.  (Yes,  I've been told they're not aggressive either but my dog was trying to catch them.)

There are really interesting bees. Monarch butterflies get the attention but there are too many poisons out there killing too many insects. We need pollinators! Break the web of life and we all go extinct. See, second reference to the 6th extinction! Save the bees! "Insects are the backbone of a healthy ecosystem and the consequences of their absence will be global." The Guardian.

The juice from the fruit will definitely attract them to that location. Also, Buzz Buzz is almost certainly a female although some queens may have created a few males but it is a bit early. For DNA enthusiasts, bee genetics is quite interesting. Males come from unfertilized eggs and are haploid. They don't have a father. Females come from fertilized eggs and are diploid. Also, the queen mates only once and can decide whether to lay a fertilized or unfertilized egg which is triggered by the size of the cell the workers create.
There is one endangered bumblebee on the current endangered species list. It hasn't been seen for about a decade. It was very susceptible to pesticides and habitat reduction. Monarchs are pretty and their migration is incredible. They aren't the only migratory butterfly. The Painted Lady also does. Last year the migration was off its normal path and Denver had clouds of them. So many people are afraid of bees that they get considered to be pests rather than pretty. Pretty wins over usefulness.
Doug I think it comes down to what you know or think you know based on what you hear or are told vs what you actually experience.  Buzz Buzz startled me at first but over time I realized there was no aggressiveness and we had some kind of inter species communication and sharing of space going on.  Don't want to paint the bee as having human thoughts but the behavior was consistent and Buzz Buzz seemed to seek me out whether I was sitting and barely moving or moving quickly around the yard or deck.  

Buzz Buzz seemed to follow me but never tried to sting me or hurt me.  

So a kind of quiet companionship formed.  I would say hi and talk to Buzz Buzz and Buzz Buzz would move in a little closer but not in an alarming way.  We shared the space in a small part of the yard and came to enjoy it on my part.

Every now and then Buzz Buzz had the company of another bee.  Sometimes as many as 3 or 4.  But once again there was no aggressiveness.

 I just now looked up how long a bee lives and realize now there must have been multiple bees I was interacting with since this has been going on now for several years.  Wow that is an amazing thing...  how did so many bees have the same reaction to me?
Peggy I think I am sort of like a 3 year old running around in an old body!  

I have a sense of wonder that I see echoed in my granddaughters and I like sharing my world with them.  

I am not sure I have depth.   I do have curiosity and I love to learn.  

Thanks for the nice note!
Hi Sue glad to see you here on the Weekend Chat again!  I read a lot about bee colony collapse as it was being called.  I am not sure they ever finally figured out the cause but I know there were multiple theories being put forward.  One thing everyone seemed to agree on though is that without pollinators we do not have crops and that means our food supply drops to dangerous levels.  So yes we need to respect pollinators in our home environments.
Laura, bees are not very well understood and I've seen similar things. I've had hives that were aggressive even after having the queen replaced and that means all the workers are replace within a couple months and it stayed aggressive while other hives have been docile. With Buzz Buzz, it may have been having a nest close by and not seeing you as a threat or possibly each queen passing on to her successors that you are friendly. Queens do live a full year.
Colony Collapse Disorder still isn't entirely understood and appears to be multiple things. While the chemical industry claims it couldn't be pesticides, as they got banned in various places the number of hives dying decreased. It is still pretty high. Some disease may be involved or any of a number of parasites but most feel it is a combination of multiple factors.

Great hummer photo, Doug!

In our area, we get three or four different species.  One of them, the Rufous Hummingbird, is very aggressive and territorial.  They stake out a feeder and perch in a nearby tree, and dive bomb the other birds to chase them away.  For that reason, most people around here set up two or three well-separated feeders on the theory that nasty little Rufous can only guard one at a time.

Laura, I like the idea of adopting a pet bumblebee!

+17 votes
Thank you Laura for hosting again this week.  I also wanted to acknowledge your post from last week about selling your spice shop.  It was a great read and I felt honored that you put so much info into your reply.  I did know about your passion for spices but this really is very cool.  I am happy for you that you were able to fulfill a dream.

On another note, I posted a request for genealogy help on G2G.  I am excited as already I have had some very positive responses.  I just hope that it will be able to lead me to who Francois Diel or Francis Doyle is.

Have a great weekend all.
by Nicole Boorse G2G6 Pilot (911k points)
Nicole we have some pretty good brick wall smashers here on the Weekend Chat.  Feel free to ask for help here too!  We haven't a great challenge for a few weeks!
I agree with Laura, post that brick wall as a new answer in chat. You never know who might find something.

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