Ann Land Bryson 1774sc married bef 1798 sc, or nc had 3 children died aft1802 nc need any information, Thanks

+4 votes
Western part of North Carolina maybe where records are Jackson County, she was probably from the Pendleton District of South Carolina?
WikiTree profile: Ann Bryson
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (297k points)
edited by Donnie Blackstone
They just accepted me in the family tree page of Plott's, I've seen this name in our research do you know any Blackstone family connected to Plott? or remember anything on them from our research that we have done?  Thanks

I guess I will be working on this family and related families to get a good showing and maybe connected to others here on wikitree they SC,NC,and Georgia families..
Don't recall Plott right quick but you do be related to most pre-Confederste lines LOL.  Might have time tomorrow to look through PLOTT land records and wills
Check email. Sent more George Plott bio, find a grave

George Plott on wikitree

OK Eddie, Thanks I see a Wilson, Campbell, Plott, connection on the find a grave but don't know if they my lines yet.
You got something to do on rainy days LOL.
OK joined a lot of family groups but still need to know which of the children of John W Bryson belongs to Ann Land? I can't fugue out what her death date was and I'm looking for a Plot connection in other ways very nice people. It seems the town of Haywood, NC belong to Ann Lands dad Isaac Land. Thanks Eddie King for finding these connection's o! Yea added a Wilson line too!! out of Tennessee Valley was Tennessee Valley in the state of North Carolina in the 1700's?

Interesting!  Here's my Anna Land.  She had a son with an unknown father.  I have figured out the father was a Nixon probably by using yDNA.  So I don't think it's the same person, but close.

Anna Land

Yes is interesting

1 Answer

+4 votes
Just happened to fond this "down the rabbit hole" and now I know what happened with the profile I manage and why a Bryson was connected to her despite my asking not to as there were more than one women named Ann(e) at the time :) I realize this is an older thread but am hoping someone could say help out so I can confidently delete or maybe a merge is necessary- but I have to lost the names as I use a cell phone for all work online and can't copy and paste in G2G (still not allowed as a function)

Ann Moss - Moss-166

Cheers and thanks in advance!

  Becky Elizabeth / Simmons-11603
by Becky Simmons G2G6 Mach 3 (30.8k points)

I personally don’t believe Ann Moss is the same as Ann Land. But maybe someone else can help.

Marriage between John W Bryson and Ann Land is mentioned in the Bryson Family Bible 


Did you know you can copy and paste links in G2G by using the link icon in the message edit screen.  I am doing this on a phone and use the icon.  Hope that helps.

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