Jacka Name Study Update

+6 votes

I thought it would be interesting for people to hear about hose the  Jacka Name Study Update (Jacka ONS) was progressing. The number of profiles for the Jacka ONS is growing.from the launch date on the 9th of this month and has now has reached 138, with 38 of these being new profiles added since the launch.

The project had it's first merge of profiles Jacka/Jacca on the 13th August with another being proposed.

According to FreeCen the 1841 census recorded the following Jacka related names in Cornwall: -

248 using the name Jacka, 5 using Jacko, 7 using Jaco, 16 using Jacco, none using Jacca or Jaccka. However, for Jago the results were too many to count so they had to be reported by census place rather than by county.

So still a little bit more work to do……. So task One to “Gather and input as many Jacka & Jacka derivative names as possible from Cornwall” has begun 

WikiTree profile: Space:Jacka_Name_Study
in The Tree House by Sandra Williamson G2G6 Mach 3 (37.9k points)

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