The New One Place Studies Project (OPS) is going live!! [closed]

+12 votes

The One Place Studies Project has been given a new look and has been revised. Check out the new project page Here .

We request that your Free Space Page (FSP) contains the words One Place Study in the title, and you allow us to nest the page for you. The rest is up to you.

Some of you hard working Wikitreers already have either a FSP without One Place Study in the title or no FSP at all. We can help you fix this with no loss of information or control :) This is needed for the page url.

The OPS project box should only be displayed on your FSP. Person profiles use the sticker if desired. Any person profiles that carry the project box will be automatically changed for you, to save you precious time :)

There are some OPS on Wikitree that are not included in the project. We know there have been reasons for this but we hope that now you will lodge your study within the project.

If you are one of the people that have any of the above, please contact either Ros Haywood or myself and we will help you :)

If you are making a new OPS please see our new Project thread Here

closed with the note: new join post here:
in The Tree House by Wendy Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
closed by Azure Robinson
What does it mean to "nest the page for you"?
It means we'll set up the categories and 'nest' them within the category structure for you.  All you have to do is create the page.

Thanks for your work on getting the project revamped. I had a couple of questions/comments:

  1. As a potential member - What is the lowest level of place study that is accepted? For example, many places in Texas are at the County level, but I am working on a few areas much smaller than that. I think this was a large part of confusion in the past.
  2. As a Categorization Project Coordinator - Do you have the category structure documented for the OPS Project? Aleš has created some category reports for the ONS project that may be able to be adapted for the OPS project in order to help keep the categories cleaned up.
  3. You may want to update the G2G Welcome Post link on the Project page. I clicked around and got stuck on the old welcome thread (when the project went dormant)
1.  Check out our new FAQ page:

2. We are working on the categorisation structure.  It will go
One Place Studies (top level)
Regional Place Studies (places sorted by country) and
One Place Studies category page (places sorted alphabetically)
then you can drill down either way until you reach
individual One Place Study
Aleš is aware of this and we have discussed with him.

3.  Drat.  Knew there was something I would forget.  Done now.
Question for Ros or Wendy...Needing some clarification please.

For those of us with free-space pages for counties under the US History > State projects, do these need to be merged into a page that includes One Place Study in the name or are they not going to be part of the OPS project?
I'd like an answer to Erin's question too, please.
I would also like to know how you are figuring the completion data of a state?
I have not seen that page before.  I would imagine that it is a simple matter of mathematics: if there are 100 counties in that state, and only 3 have One Place Studies, then the number is 3%.

We'll have to look into that one.  It may be that it is maintained by the US History Project *in association* with the One Place Studies Project, which means we just watch?

@Erin and @Lynette:

For those of us with free-space pages for counties under the US History > State projects, do these need to be merged into a page that includes One Place Study in the name or are they not going to be part of the OPS project?

There is currently some discussion as to whether these are actually One Place Studies or freespace placeholders (just so that text did not appear on category pages).

There would not need to be any merging, whichever they were.  If they are true One Place Studies, the phrase "One Place Study" needs to be tacked on to the end of the title OF THE FREESPACE PAGE ONLY.

If they are not One Place Studies, they need to be taken out of the OPS category tree (i.e. Virginia Place Studies etc).

Thank you, Ros. I get it now. Thank you for your patience and it is good to see you are maintaining your sense of humor. I was asking because my county project originally was a OPS. I changed it to be under the US History project because the OPS project went dormant. However, i noticed that many of the county pages also have the OPS template on them so that was why I was asking for clarification. Will leave my county FSP as is for now. If I decide to do OPS for the current communities and ghost towns, I’ll post to the OPS thread.
Ros, this does help, somewhat. I joined the US History and OPS at the same time, with the understanding that we were creating the county pages in conjunction with OPS.

I also make census indices for the counties,  and

but hey, my favorite animal is a cat and like a cat I resist change unless its thoroughly explained to me or I initiated it. Have you ever tried explaining something to a cat with that "You've got to be kidding me" glare in their eyes?

2 Answers

+9 votes

How exciting! Thank you Wendy and Ros for working on that!

My ONS is here

I'm already listed with

I have the ONS badge smiley

I'm nestled into: Category: Rhode Island Place Studies

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

Hello Mindy

I have checked - and you *do* have the OPS badge as well as the ONS badge! wink

On your One Place Study I have added the following categories:
One Place Studies, Rhode Island Place Studies, Newport County, Rhode Island, Place Studies and Tiverton, Rhode Island.

+8 votes

Thanks for getting this project restarted-I look forward to collaborating with you going forward.

I had previously started a Flobecq OPS-you can see the page here.  It should be in good shape, except that the project boxes will need to be changed to stickers for some of the local profiles.

by Greg Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (381k points)

Hello Greg

I have added the category One Place Studies to your OPS freespace page, and your Flobecq One Place Study is one of the sample OPSs on the Project Page to show how it's done smiley

Excellent, thanks Ros!

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