I'm trying to add a cousin as an additional manager for her family profiles but it isn't working properly.

+3 votes
I've tried to add her several times, using her email; first adding her to the trusted list then adding her as manager, to no avail. I tried both individual and bulk but it isn't adding her. What's the problem?
in WikiTree Tech by Sherry Juedeman G2G6 (9.9k points)
Is she a member of WikiTree?
Probably easier to get her to send you a trusted list request.
Yes, a member.
I've requested to be on her trusted list. We'll try having her request t be added. is there a glitch in this? I've added people before without problems.
I'd do as Lynda suggests and get her to send you a request for the profiles in question and then see if you are able to add her as manager.
what's the error message that you're getting?
No error message, after following the directions to add someone as manager, the process begins again. I’ve tried logging in on a different computer, trying to bulk add for all her family profiles, waiting a day, trying to add her as manager to various family members, and nothing works.
Could be that the email address she used when she joined WT is different than the one you are using to try and add her.  But that would generate an error message up top saying something like "that email address is not linked to a WikiTree account"
No, she only has the one email address. We’ll keep trying. Thanks all.
Sherry, you say she is a member, but what is her member status? Is she a guest member, a family member, or a WikiTree Genealogist?

What is the privacy setting on her account?
Dowdy-703. She's a new member
Well, I'm stumped. You may have to contact info at wikitree dot com for help with this.

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