How do you sub-categorize a category into another?

+10 votes

I created a free space page Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, a Veterans organization similar to the VFW but is limited to officers and their descendants.

I had thought, when I created the category, that it would let me select which parent category to place it into.  But, I did not see that option.

Is there a trick to it or do you just have to get someone from the project to do it?

The Category: Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States.

should be a sub category of Category: United States Veterans Organizations.

in WikiTree Help by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
recategorized by Jillaine Smith
We have asked for categorization icon that's available in profiles to be extended to category pages, so it may be down the road. In the meantime, you have to add the parent manually.
I have to add it manually or you do?
You can do it if you know how! It's pretty easy.

You are not required to have the categorization project take this step.

As Richard explained, below, you add a parent. Sometimes you have to do a little research to find one, but sometimes it's obvious. This is one that takes research. You found the parent already, so you just have to open your new category's page in edit mode and add [[Category:United States Veterans Organizations]] at the top of the page, above the text.(and that's just about all the text you should have on a category page, so you did a good job keeping it short.) Then click the green SAVE PAGE at the bottom and you're done.

Give it a try, and if you have difficulty, add another comment and I'll do it. Then you can look and see what I did.
Eureka!  I see, we're putting a parent category as a category for the child - a category (in the text) gets a category.  Now it all makes sense.  I did it and now this category shows up as a sub-category on the US Vet Organizations category page.


2 Answers

+10 votes


At the top of Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, you should see and "edit" button.

Click on that and enter the category as [[Category:CategoryName]] <-replace CategoryName with what you are trying to do

by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (258k points)

Sorry, Richard, that doesn't do anything.

Clicking edit only lets me change the descriptive text.  There is no [[Category:CategoryName]] showing.

If there was, I don't understand what you mean, "replace with what you are trying to do."

I'm sorry, what I was trying to explain was that [[Category:United States Veterans Organizations]] needed to be entered 

I see, add the parent category to the text of the sub-category.  thanks
+3 votes
Congratulations!   The category is correctly created.

However, it is preferred that information not appear on the category page.  Since the same info is on a space page; it's been removed from the category page.

The category remains ready to group the profiles of these honorable veterans.

A link is on the category for the space page for more information.
by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (220k points)

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