i'm a little new to the category hierarchial structure and I was searching for where the genealogical societies are housed and I see that they are in at least 3 subgroups. As I look more and more it seems that we have two or three overlapping trees, some by region, some by subject, some by other form of parent group.
I found one path to US societies:
Category: Categories
Category: Genealogy Help
Category: Genealogy Societies
Category: United States Genealogy Societies
I had seen a "lineage" sub-category and after I searched it out I found its path: (starting from Category: Society)
Category: Society
Category: Societies
Category: Lineage Societies
Category: United States Lineage Societies
the problem is, after finding it in a search, I wanted to know who the parent was and I found that there isn't one, there is in stead a:
Parent loop:
On the Category: Categories page, if you click the parent, you get Category: Categorization Help.
On the Categorization Help page, the parent is Categories: Wikitree Help
On Categories: Wikitree Help, the parent is Categories: Categories
But, when you click on Categories: Categores (the shown parent), it takes you instead to the page Categories: Categorization Help.
There appears to be a loop; I kept trying to get to the parent page, but there is none, just a circle of siblings, linking to themselves in a loop. I don't think this is by design?
And so, I guess my question is two parts. Is there any plan to consolidate and/or organize the categories so that there is one sub-category for genealogical societies or will there be multiple sub-cats?
Just from the Category: Societies page, I see three choices:
1. Hereditary Societies, 2. Lineage Societies, and 3. Genealogy Societies, and a 4th sub-page here: Category:Categories, Genealogy: Help, Category: Genealogy Societies, 4. Categories: Genealogical Societies | United States Organizations. All 4 subs appear to be the same thing but in different places.
And second question, is that loop (described above) normal or a typo?