Profile edit showing information for other profile. [closed]

+5 votes
I'm running into a strange situation.

I'm attempting to edit the profile of Clayton-2235 and each time I hit edit, the edit page for Clayton-2235 pops up but all of the boxes are auto-filled with data for Arlés_y_de_Andosilla-1, another profile that I was working on earlier.

I have deleted my Wikitree cookies and have even restarted my computer but the problem persists.

Edit to add: when I refresh the browser while in edit mode, the info for Clayton pops up for a half second and then is replaced by Arles' data a split second later.
closed with the note: problem solved: plug in caused corruption
in WikiTree Tech by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
closed by SJ Baty

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
I turned off all of my plugins and started activating them one by one, turns out one of them was the culprit; I won't be using it any more.
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Living Rodgers
Can you share which plugin it was so we can avoid it as well?
Good point Jillaine!  Yes, it was Auto Copy Paste Forms

I'm sure this plug-in has great utility for the tasks to which it is assigned but if anyone is using it, probably best to disable while Treeing.

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