If I want to start a second tree, since some of my relatives I cannot connect the dots to yet, how do I go about that?

+6 votes
I have family that  I know I   am connected with per family discussions, and through DNA testing.  But, because my great grandfather, Bartolo Monteverde, was raise by someone other than his bio parents, (probably an aunt and uncle?) and my great-grandmother has only her name and date of birth,  I cannot connect the dots to my tree yet.  I have DNA testing showing that I am from the Monteverde line,   but cannot document the exact "branch" yet.  But I would like to start  a Monteverde tree and get started with what I know of the  family so far.
in Genealogy Help by Roxanne Personett G2G Crew (520 points)
All my work is in WikiTree.  

I keep notes on the very convenient scratch pad provided on the "Nav Home Page" that comes up under "My WikiTree" menu at the top, and I use the biographies as a repository for my research notes and possible sources.

When I'm not ready to connect the profiles of possible relatives, I still make links to them in the biography (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Adding_Links), so I can navigate the "second" tree without losing the first.

1 Answer

+15 votes
Best answer
There is only one tree here, but you can add a profile for an unrelated person.  From the Add menu, upper right, click New Person.  From there, it works the same as adding a relative.
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (784k points)
selected by Lynda Crackett

Thanks for the star, Lynda!  smiley

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