I find it interesting that the current profile of the week has ancestors that share a last name with the previous profile of the week. Talk about coincidences!
So Judy Garland's mother's maiden name was Milne, and it traces back to Judy's great grandfather, Charles Milne (~1829-1900) who was born in Arbroath, Scotland. The previous profile of the week was Christopher Robin Milne, whose ancestry through the Milne family name goes back to Banffshire, Scotland.
While these are different areas of Scotland, for sure, is it possible to connect the two families with a common Milne ancestor?
I'm across the sea in the USA so I don't really know how (or if) I can find records that go back that far from another country. Even in my own ancestry, once I reach the point where an ancestor emigrated, I cannot go back any further.
I'd like to see if there's a connection between the two Scottish Milne families though, so does anyone know what I should do to accomplish that?