Can someone help decipher my ancestor's residence?

+4 votes

I am currently investigating my ancestor Sarah Robinson, and I'm hoping to work out who her parents were. 

I was hoping to use the address in her marriage record as a lead, as it is probably her family home before moving in with her husband.

However, I cannot make out what it says.

The marriage is recorded in Sligo, Ireland, so I presume it is an address somewhere in the county, as it just refers to a street.

Marriage Record for Sarah

Can anyone help me read what the address is for Sarah?

Link to original record

WikiTree profile: Sarah Pollock
in Genealogy Help by Ian Hunter G2G6 (7.5k points)

7 Answers

+7 votes
Possibly St.Johns Lane which later became simply John Street
by Living McCormick G2G6 Mach 6 (61.4k points)
+8 votes
I had a look through for some ideas. I wonder if it might be 2a Burton Street?
by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (448k points)
That's the best guess i've seen so far, thanks :)
I like that better than StJohns
+6 votes
To me, it looks like “2n _______ SW”.

So, 2nd Something Southwest?
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+5 votes

Three of the other addresses have the same Sxx after them so I believe that it is Sabbreviating street. Ignoring the first word for now, the second word doesn't seem like a B to me. The other Bs on the page are much more B-like. It could also b an R or a K. One of the witnesses looks like Katie and the first letters are similar. It also looks like some of the Rs on the page. While it could be a B others on the page aren't similar to this one. Does look like u__on as the rest. The first is probably 2n.

The __ under is typical of raised letters.

Have you looked on Google maps to see if there are streets with potential names that match?

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (565k points)
Looking on some maps, I'm leaning toward Burton St even if the first letter is a bit sloppy. I don't see anything else that fits.
+5 votes
Hi Ian

Thanks for the challange.

I would say it is 2nd..... Sth for south

Have a look at the images this search brings up - old Irish handwriting+help

Also check out the

Oh and do bear in mind it may be Gaelic and not English. You have given a year you are looking at. This site has a downloadable excel chart for it I have not seen before.

Every day is a learning day :)
by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (351k points)
edited by Janet Wild
+4 votes

I can’t make much sense of it, but if the first witness is Katie Anderson then there’s a good chance it actually starts with a K. Most of the Bs are well formed and the R which looks similar has it’s first stroke starting on the right of the main stem. The only letter which starts to the left and has that strange wiggle is at the beginning of the first witness’ name. Looks like Natic but probably Katie.

The ending looks a bit like ‘nce’ or even ‘nces’ to me.

If the prefix is St. then the S is like no other S on the page. More like a failed I.
You really need a local with some historical knowledge. It may even be a street that no longer exists.

There is an 1819 map of Sligo which would give you some context for the size of the city then. This part in particular.

by Seán Ó Séaghdha G2G Crew (310 points)
+3 votes
If you look at the St (in the space above this line), I am arguing for Street.  Doggone it, though, both that apparent numeral "2" at the begining and the actual name are "a little obscure."

Thinking out loud, that "2" couldn't possibly be an old-time cursive Q, could it.  If so, then the superscript "n" **might** make sense??  Possible abbreviation for Queen __?__ Street???
by J Stewart G2G6 Mach 2 (27.6k points)

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