Merge set as unmatched due to euroaristo tag - I have questions.

+6 votes
First question: as Kristoffersdatter-45 and Rustung-1 are set as unmatched due one of the profiles having the euroaristo project box (it is not managed by the project), and the unmatching message says to contact the project: what would be required to get such merges done? What is expected with regards to other levels of work on such profiles?  (I am aware that neither profile is sourced as of yet - I have a very small assistant who doesn't always let me sit down and concentrate on such things when I want to.)

Second question: how noble is the scope of the euroaristo project? Does this woman actually belong in it? (She is the daughter of a privateer/pirate turned admiral whose parentage is uncertain, and her own marriages were not noble. The Rustung name was never used by her or her family, and has only been associated with them by others later; there doesn't seem to be any good reason to believe they were associated with an earlier noble house named Rustung.)
WikiTree profile: Margrete Tronds
in Genealogy Help by Rakelle Teschner G2G6 Mach 5 (53.0k points)
Please re-propose the merge.
We will be watching over it.
What you also could do is clean up the old GEDCOM stuff in the target profile beforehand and add some source for what you know about Margrete and her family.
This should not have happened. Postponing a merge just because of a project box seems a bit overzealous.
Thanks :)

I'l try to get around to entering what I have properly and then resuggest the merge.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
This is not necessarily a Euroaristo issue.

I personally think switching a merge proposal to an unmerged match should be discouraged in almost all circumstances. Once a merge has been proposed it should be left unfinished (rather than converted) if there is anything needing extra checking...

...especially if the extra checking involved is something simple like asking the person who proposed it a simple question, which is often all that is needed.

I think the habit of changing merge proposals into unmerged matches comes from an emphasis on quantity of edits, not quality. It creates the need for a lot of extra edits, and puts some profiles into loops.
by Andrew Lancaster G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
selected by David Douglass
Would help if when people postponed a merge they meant "This doesn't seem quite right and I am looking into it." What it seems usually to mean is "It might be Okay. Someone else go and sort it."
I think what it NORMALLY means indeed, unfortunately, is simply someone is going through a batch of merge proposals as a batch job and has no intention of spending any time on ANY of them. I think anyone in that position should simply not touch profiles where they would need to spend time. It is far better to just let such proposals get to full time.
I think that postponing merges by making them unmerged matches may be a sort of knee-jerk reaction from a profile manager going through email. The option is in the email that goes out.

I agree that if you are not willing and able to do the research, you should not set unmerged matches.

If you have real concerns that it might not be the same person, OK - but then there should be a specific explanation, not just because of a project box or some other vague pretext.
I can see PMs saying they want more time.  But there doesn't seem to be any guidance on when or why it's appropriate for 3rd parties to block merges.  They're welcome to offer an opinion if they have one, but "I dunno" is an odd reason to intervene when it's not their decision particularly anyway.
+8 votes
Hi - who is considered a European Aristocrat is a bit hazy at the edges when it comes down to minor nobles/members of the gentry or ancestors of noble families.  

However I have removed the project box and the royalty category as it was added a while ago, and not by any of the project leaders.

Also in my personal opinion a project box shouldn't be an automatic reason to set a merge proposal as an unmerged match,
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (652k points)

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