First question: as Kristoffersdatter-45 and Rustung-1 are set as unmatched due one of the profiles having the euroaristo project box (it is not managed by the project), and the unmatching message says to contact the project: what would be required to get such merges done? What is expected with regards to other levels of work on such profiles? (I am aware that neither profile is sourced as of yet - I have a very small assistant who doesn't always let me sit down and concentrate on such things when I want to.)
Second question: how noble is the scope of the euroaristo project? Does this woman actually belong in it? (She is the daughter of a privateer/pirate turned admiral whose parentage is uncertain, and her own marriages were not noble. The Rustung name was never used by her or her family, and has only been associated with them by others later; there doesn't seem to be any good reason to believe they were associated with an earlier noble house named Rustung.)