I'd like to add more historically relevant detail to Frances Ayleworth Stockett's profile.

+4 votes
I have been working on cleaning up the Stockett and Aylesworth profiles. There are some historical details of the time that the family lived in England that I'd like to include. For instance, Frances Ayleworth married her first cousin, so I noted that. Not sure if it would be appropriate to expand on that.

Also, I put the hops as a background image, because the area the family held land is famous for growing hops. Then I found out that the medievals drank beer instead of water because it was safer (who knew?).

Anyway, this family had some trouble around the English Civil War and ended up in Colonial Maryland. I am trying to include some historically relevant detail. It sure would help to have another set of eyes check my work.

Thank you
WikiTree profile: Frances Stockett
in The Tree House by Beth Stephenson G2G6 Mach 7 (72.8k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
I think you did a lovely job.  You could expand on their first cousin-hood if you like.  I think it would add to the biography to point out how common the practice was in those days.

The only thing I can suggest to add is in-line links to something about the St Cosmus & St Damian-in-the- Blean churches; to the English Civil War; Charles I; and the Maryland-loving sons.  That way if a reader wants to know a little more, you have provided a link.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (887k points)

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