Is Nathaniel and Sarah Jenkins the parents of Elizabeth Jenkins Wright?

+3 votes
I have seen that Elizabeth Jenkins, who married Benjamin Wright (1730-1824) was listed as a Bolling. However, I keep finding that all the Elizabeth Bollings died young.  I took a DNA test and the matches all have the lines that lead to Nathaniel Jenkins and Sarah Boswell.  Can someone confirm this who is familiar with the Jenkins and Boswell lines? Thank you.
in Genealogy Help by Diana Nachreiner G2G Rookie (220 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Where did all this take place? There are experts here who specialise in different places.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.2m points)
I have Elizabeth Jenkins 1731, Benjamin Wright 1730 (Amherst, VA) d. 3/10/1824 (Shelbyville, KY).   Nathaniel Jenkins I have 1695-1776 and Sarah Boswell 10/23/1698  (Malden, MA) - 5/15/1745.

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