Thank you for helping. Walter Senior’s mother is Anna Haanpa. Anna is Walter junior’s grandmother. She owned a farm and bakery in New Hampshire. They also owned a house in the Catskills Mountain. When Valentina came to the US with Walter Junior, she was Anna not allowed to live on the farm. Only her son Walter (Anna’s grandson) was allowed to live on the farm. We are told that Anna did not like Valentina. We don’t know why. Anna Haanpa’s family is Finish. They came to the US years earlier, first in California where Walter Senior was born in 1912. Then moved to New Hampshire. Walter Senior’s father, Aukusti traveled to Alaska as a gold miner. He died there so Anna became a widow. After Valentina and Walter Senior divorced, Anna would not let Valentina see her son much. Walter Senior let Anna have him. What was heart breaking for my father, Walter Junior is that when his father, Walter Senior, took him from New Hampshire to Maryland, he abandoned him at a boarding house. Years later as an adult, would he ever see his father, Walter Senior again. It’s on those few occasions that Walter Senior told him more about his mother Valentina. As you can imagine, he longed to see his mother. We didn’t find out about Valentina Getsch until two years ago. We assumed she died or returned to Russia. We are told that as Valentina aged, she suffered dementia and that she called out for her son Walter all of the day. My father is glad to know she loved him and looked for him. We are trying to fulfill his wish of finding out more about his mother since he was denied being with her his entire life.