Are there categories for political parties?

+5 votes
I have an ancestor that was a "Lincoln Republican".  Are there categories for political party members?
WikiTree profile: Ashbel Smith
in WikiTree Help by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (671k points)

1 Answer

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Yes, there are categories. There is no political party called "Lincoln Republican" only Republican.

Category: Republican Political Party

by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Kitty Smith

Thanks for the star, Kitty. blush

Well there was at one time!  And if there was - someone knows when and why - and can create that - if it is ok - I mean I am kind of surprized we have those categories
No, Navarro, there has never been a political party in the United States called "Lincoln Republican".That term is a modern construct to differentiate between the Republican Party platform of Lincoln's time vs the current platform.
Like Blue Dog Democrats or Tea Party Republicans?  Ok a faction of a party it must have been - I know I had heard it several times before in reference to some historical elections after the actual Lincoln election - if I am remembering right

Yes, you may have heard or seen it in that context, but it was never a term used at the time nor was it ever an actual political party or faction. It is a modern construct. Basically, it's a term that modern Democrats use to claim early Republicans, especially Abraham Lincoln, as their "own kind" rather than any kin to modern Republicans.

There is also a second way the term is used, but less often, to distinguish between the Republican party established in 1854 (the party of Lincoln) which became the modern Republican party, and a Republican party (sometimes referred to as Democratic-Republicans or, less often, Jefferson Republicans) established in 1792 lead by Thomas Jefferson which eventually became the modern Democratic party.

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