Hi, I have tried to set myself up as an Autosomal DNA take for William Clements, I'm having trouble figuring out how to attach 23andMe results. I noticed there is a Frank Blankenship is attached to both Capt. Benjamin Clements 1707-1780 Pittsylvania Co., VA and His Father William Clements 1682-1760, Amelia County, VA. BUT this Frank Blankenship does not connect with me. I have checked his kit against mine at Ged-match and nothing 0% Centimorgan. So, I am confused why he is there. Maybe you can explain how this is working. I am a a direct line "Clements" to this family. And A Male cousin from Our family did the YDNA test through FTDNA. He chooses to remain Private, so I can't put up his Kit #. Anyway, my Clement line has been proven and I am in process of putting up all the paper work that proves my Clement family line. I have also done my Autosomal DNA test through 23andme and the test results are also with Ged-Match and FTDNA. My other questions is Why can't I put up or connect those results to William Clements 1682-1760, Amelia County, VA. and His Father, John Clements of Hanover 1658- 1745, Hanover County, VA? I think it's important that my Kit# for Autosomal DNA could be there to see if I might be matching. So, far I do not match with Frank Blankenship who is posted there and that just dosn't make since. I have connected with many others in the Clement line below this, so I should be connecting also with the upper levels of my Clement Family tree. To try to help with this e-mail my name is Cathi (Clements) Gross. My e-mail address is cathi@144webcom. My line of clements goes like this:
Me: Cathi (Clements) Gross
My Father: Robert Leroy Clements
My Grandfather: Oscar Walton Clements
My Great Grandfather: George Riley Clements
My 2nd Great Grandfather: William Clements married Julia Angell
My 3rd Great Grandfather; Benjamin Clement, IV married Cordelia Race
My 4th Great Grandfather, Benjamin Clements, III married Lucy Baily
My 5th Great Grandfather, Benjamin Clement, II married Mary (Baker?)
My 6th Great Grandfather, Capt Benjamin Clements Married Susannah HIll
My 7th Great Grandfather, William Clements & Ann (Parker?)
My 8th Great Grandfather John Clements & Elizabeth (Terry?)
Here are the YDNA results from FTDNA, We are Group #12:
I would love to put up my Cousins's kit number for the YDNA test but I would like to put it under my name, only because He chooses to remain private. I don't know if that is possible to do. But it might help others in making a match, if at least his name could be under my name.
Also, if I could find a way to add my autosomal DNA through 23and me with William Clement 1682-1760, Amelia County, VA. and John Clements 1658- 1745, Hanover County, VA, if that is possible. Also, my oldest son has done his DNA through 23andme, but he want's to remain private, but my name could be used to display his kit# at Wiki Tree. Is that possible?
I have been working on my Clement family tree since 1994, so I have a lot of documentation that I have been trying to add to each section of my Clement family tree. I think I have put enough up for you to check out what I have done. I believe it will correct many errors that are already up one of them being Frances Clement of Isle of Wright and Benjamin Clements of Gloucester, which have been found to be a completely different DNA family from mine. They are Group #8 at FTDNA YDNA results. AND really need to be split off from my family that is why I have not been connecting with others who have some of the same people as my family tree and I don't want to merge with them, until that changes. I hope that is ok. YDNA really has helped to show the mistakes earlier researchers have made with all the Clelments family lines that are out there. One of the reasons I decided to hurry and put of all the data on my family line and post the DNA results too. Anyway, I hope I have asked clear questions. Please tell me how to proceed next. Cathi (Clements) Gross