One profile for six “kids”???

+8 votes
This is as weird as I have found on WT. The profile in question is privacy Green, so it cannot be edited by me. The profile unites six children into in profile. No names. The father is “Unknown Dr” which is how I came across it (Data Doctors suggestions list). What to do?
WikiTree profile:
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Probably the children of the one I found called “Someone Somwhere”.
That’s hilarious!!
They're 24 degrees from Queen Victoria - if that helps lol.
They didn't even have the courtesy to spell "Somewhere" correctly, I see. Sigh...
Anne, you made my day! 24 degrees nails it down.

You're finding some good ones today Pip!laugh

Ha! “Stumbling upon” would be a better term. Sometimes I just following links to see where they go.
Laugh out loud moment!  Thank you for making my day.  And bless you and all the others for sorting it out, especially with the privacy limitations.

Good thing I didn't name my last child Number Three Child or it would never pass the Suggestion algorithm.

8 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

I looked at a bunch of the relatives. There is a general lack of information and all are unsourced. I will help by working on one of the relatives and sourcing it and then see if the names pop up in a Census or a FAG. I would redo it and see if a child profile exists that can be merged into this one.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (574k points)
selected by Living Turner
So much for good intentions. All the profiles are locked on privacy so they can't be edited.
Zactly! Stuck until a heavy hitter fixes that.
+9 votes
I notice there are no dates or sources on any of the profiles up to the Great Grandfather Charles Watson McLean (McLean-244). That to me suggests that the 6 Kids profile is representing people that are alive at the moment probably born anytime from the 1940's onwards roughly.

They have some first cousins once removed in the profile of Twin Boys (Boys-28) as well.

The profiles were all uploaded in 2011 when there were fewer checks and balances in Wikitree. Has anyone tried contacting the profile manager and trying to get these profiles into a better state.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (563k points)
2011 sounds like a period of rampant lawlessness. That was when the dreaded DeCoursey gedcom (TM) was uploaded.
AND the infamous williams-anders GEDCOM.
Ooooo. Was that one worse than Decoursey?
I cannot really compare - they may be quite similar, but I don't think they overlap. Williams-anders is mostly Scandinavian, which is why I know it. Lots of work has been done on it already, but it keeps popping up. It specializes in cobbling together families from family fragments in different parts of a country, sometimes birth as one person and death as a namesake somewhere else. Lots of duplicates, lots of uninterpretable place names. There was a habit of prolonging branches by starting over with people born several generations later when an endpoint was reached - those will have been found bu the Suggestions report by now.
Decoursey had a dna match of mine who was listed as dead. He was very much alive considering we had been e-mailing each other. That was some trick.
This is one of the most enjoyable threads I have read! I am glad to know other people think about the dreaded Decoursey.
I think I still have some to clean up. That sucker is vicious. It was around this profile:

Too close to my neck of the woods. I cleaned up the garbage pretty quickly. No need to deal with that mess.
+7 votes

How do you FIND these weird profiles, man? Seriously. Looks like they were all imported by a gedcom. I would report these to Eowyn or some of the other heavy hitters around here. 

Then I'd crack open the profiles and use them for other purposes once I was made a profile manager. 

I mean I doubt there's anyone in the world named Six Kids. Eh....Then again....

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (881k points)
Chris, I found it using the Data Docs suggestions. That app hit on “Unknown Dr.” Went there and found the kids. Nutz, huh?
Part of me wants to change his name to....



The Doctor


Howard Fine







laughcheekydevilyes Kudos, Chris!

Thanks, Pip. =)
+5 votes

Fun to read through the string of posts, and a laugh or two - -

The PM was last active in 20 May 2017, and born in the 40's. (some of us do grow old) - however, the Contributions to WikiTree page, only contains = [ show 50 | 100 | 500 per page ] = which makes it  a bit hard to arrive at the "Start" - - (6 tries * 500 to run through to the 3172 contributions! ! ! )

It would be beneficial if this page had the "Fuel Tank" as other pages = Page: [   « prev   1   2   3   4   5   6    7    8   9    

 Cheers to the "6 Kids", and hope they can be put to bed - - - - ja

by John Andrewartha G2G6 Pilot (126k points)

Lucky dude. I wish I had six kids to put to bed, but like Abraham and Sarah, we got a late start. laugh

There is an easier way than checking each page.  It says he made 3000+ contributions; so, in the address bar just use to show up to 4000 on 1 page,
shortcut. take 3172 and divide it by the 50|100|500 you used. then do next page.

you will get this at the end. Giles-670&l=50&p=2&old=50,1

now you can see I used 50. So, 3172/50 is 63.44 so that means 64 is a partial page. p=64 leaving everything else the same and hit enter.,1


(Eowyn has 78728 contributions. Anyone wanna try? )

Shorter shortcut.. divide 3172 by pi, cube that, then add birth year on profile  Xenianthia-433. Post answer to G2G. Then go get a cup of coffee and watch the fun.

Steve, I gotta admit, I’d never have figured out how you came up with what you did. Math was not my strong suit! Do you do taxes? laugh

Born in the 40's & OLD - shame samecheeky and with a big smile

I am 76 years young and to add to that 

"when does an old man stop looking at pretty girls" ?

about 20 minutes after rigor mortis activates kiss

Good one, Roger! You keep at it! laugh

Thanks  both;      Steven Tibbetts   and   Pip Sheppard   , resident "math tutors" = I was having a coffee break, pondering  the formula  =  670&l=50&p=64&old=50,1    ? so what is it for a 100 break - - 670&l=100&p=32&old=50,1   ? ? - - - what does the =50,1  , do please ? - - cheers -ja

being a girl, what do I know from numbers?
Wouldn't it have been easier to just scroll though it all?

*Waits for you guys to say "Get off my lawn"*
+7 votes
I left a message for the PM on the profile.  Maybe he will see it and fix it.

by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
PM has not been active since May 2017.  Time for Unresponsive PM request.
+7 votes
Following the line back through the mother, it becomes pretty obvious that the profile for the children, the parents, and quite possibly the grandparents are for living people. This appears to be from a GEDCOM. If the PM, who hasn't been active for over a year, doesn't respond, I would contact info at wikitree dot com to get profiles without dates deleted and all others opened so that they can be "fixed".
by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
+3 votes
I just found one today where the profile listed about ten children, three or four with names, and the others labeled "Another Child" "Another child" "Another child" "Another child" "Another child"--you get the idea.  Working with Family Search, I'm hoping to add names and dates to some of those children (none of whom are orphaned).
by J. Crook G2G6 Pilot (239k points)
I once had a client named Female - pronounced Feh-mah-ley.
+4 votes
I was looking at the contributions made and there are alot of Unknown Son, Unknown Daughter, Unknown England (I can't be certain that their last name is England or they lived in England). It appears that this might be a project job to fix all these.
by Sherry Wells G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)

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