Who’s been peeking at my database?

+26 votes
Saw this on a Data Doctors spreadsheet:

Father is child.... Father is spouse... Father is sibling...

and thought, “ Someone found out about my ancestors!”
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
I can only imagine the insult "YO MAMA!" took on a whole new level.
So you have heard of my family!
Hahaha! Dallace, I think there are folks here who could form a club of some kind. A qualification of, say, 10%+ pedigree collapse. What do you think? It’d probably be a pretty large club.
Karen, I gotta remember this one!
Most of us think of an image of a Family Tree as a mighty Maple.  With it's multitude of branches reaching out representing the myriad of different people from different backgrounds and locales who have preceded us.

Y'all's Family Trees are Palm Trees.

Wink, wink.

Yeah Pip, it's called a family reunion. laugh

That’s a zinger if there ever was one. When folks up here in the NC mountains have reunions, you oughta see the elaborate charts that have to be handmade because a computer can’t handle it.
You made me laugh. Thanks a-lot pip
Keep it in the family!!!
Stephen, ____________ (pick your state), where men go to family reunions to meet wemmen!

5 Answers

+9 votes
Let's face the awful truth, gang.  Some family trees just don't branch (though they do get mighty twisted).
by Karen Hoy G2G6 Mach 4 (45.3k points)
+6 votes

Karen saying some get mighty twisted is the truth. I've thought of mine as a tangled vine but my wife refers to my tree as a maze of twisty turny little passages.

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
edited by Doug McCallum
+8 votes

Take the mighty twisted branches typical of the eastern Kentucky hill country in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries - and add a good bit of illegitimacy and infidelity, and what do you get?

My mother's ancestors.

I have matches on AncestryDNA that I am related to six different ways. frown

by Thomas Fuller G2G6 Mach 9 (98.4k points)

Karen we are 18th cousins laugh

Karen and I are 16th cousins. wink

Thomas and I are 21st cousins. Had to go all the way to the moon to find that connection.

Closer than most that I have.  Most of mine are in the 30s!

Truth is, of the ones I've checked I am generally close to Queen Elizabeth or Victoria than to people on WikiTree!  

Pip I just looked at our connection and got this:

No Connection Found ... Yet

Sorry, no connection was found between Pip and Laura within 10 degrees. There is a connection, but maybe it's more than 10 steps or maybe it's just not on WikiTree yet. Please help grow the family connections of Pip and Laura until they meet.

Like I said... I think I was hatched!

Pip and I are 19th cousins. You need to get your NB people nailed down so we can reduce that a bit.

Laura, not even the long range connection finder made a connection for us! How is that possible? surprise

You’re right, Doug. Gotta work on that!

Pip and Dale are 17th cousins once removed

“Pip and Dale,”  saw this out of the corner of my eye and swear I saw “Chip and Dale” the cartoon title!
Whew.  I thought I was the only one that read that as Chip and Dale at first.
+1 vote
Here is a Weekend Chat quick Challenge...  Who is closest to me in the Connections?  


Drop in your Wiki-ID .  Mine is Pennie-22.   

Let's see who is even connected to me!
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (910k points)
Nothing connecting us yet.
oops   Thought I was on the Weekend Chat...  duh...Will repost there!
0 votes

In Nova Scotia, we have the case of the Goler clan, whose relationships echo Lovecraft's Martense clan. 

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (212k points)

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