Is Hannah Adams (1618-1703) the daughter of Henry Adams and Edith Squire?

+2 votes
I have been trying to trace back my anscestors and am stuck on Hannah ? married to Williams Ames (1605-1653) and do find some records that indicate that his wife is Hannah Adams, the daughter of Henry Adams and Edith Rosamund Squire, but other records to not indicate a daughter named Hannah.

I have als found notations that William Ames and Hannah Adams Ames were married in England.

Thanks for any help.
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Chris Whitten

3 Answers

+3 votes
Hannah Adams was born 1618 in Barton St. David Somershire, England and died 1703 in Braintree, Ma. She was the daughter of Henry and Edith and Married William Ames 1638 in Braintree, Ma William was the son of John Ames III and Cyprian Browne born 1605 Bruton, England and died1653 Braintree, Ma. She also married John Niles abt 1656. He was born in Cardiff,Wales, England and died 1694 Braintree, Ma
by Al Adams G2G6 (9.2k points)
+3 votes
Research has shown that the wife of [[Ames-122|William Ames]] is [[Unknown-495470|Hannah ______]]. There are no records identifying her as Adams. Even the secondary sources are mute on this subject. The newest works : The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton (1996) and Descendants of William Ames of Braintree, Massachusetts (2004) do not contain a surname for Hannah.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+2 votes

Furthermore, the (undated) will of Henry Adams, proved on 8 Jul 1647, mentions five sons and one daughter, but no Hannah. (J. Gardner Bartlett, Henry Adams of Somersetshire, England and Braintree, Massachusetts (New York, 1927), page 67)

by Stuart Bloom G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

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