Is it possible Shield's lived in Sweden and changed their name to Wahlstrom after coming to America?

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in Genealogy Help by

2 Answers

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I have found that there is quite a difficult challenge posed in having Swedish ancestors. My family originated in Sweden and emigrated to Minnesota in the very early 1900's. The best I can tell is that there was the sembilence of a last name of Edman while in Sweden (although it seems it did not stick to most of my family). The use of patronyms was still common at that time (i.e. Elias' children were known as _ Eliasson or _ Eliasdotter, etc.). The family that emigrated adopted the name of Norman upon arriving here.

I was able to make the connection through multiple web searches using the last known relative here and eventually found the right folks. I wish you the best of luck in your search to your answer!

by Ron Norman G2G6 Mach 4 (48.0k points)
0 votes
Shield is not a Swedish name but Wahlström is very common in Sweden. So it does not seam very likely. If the last name was Sköld however (the Swedish word for Shield), well that is very likely. There are many different reasons to why Swedes changed their names when they migrated.
by Lena Svensson G2G6 Mach 5 (57.4k points)

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