Advice on how to trace an ancestor in Wales and possibly England.

+1 vote
I am looking for some advice / help on how to trace an ancestor through Wales and possibly beyond. Along my direct line I have come to an ancestor who lived in Llanbadarn Fawr, Wales, Radnorshire. His name was [[Chilton-163|John Chilton (Chelton)]]. I have a copy of his marriage record from 1809 to Mary Evans that was performed by M. Priu (Priee) Curate and witnessed by Thomas Evans and David Powel. Family history indicates John came to America in 1839 with several of his children after his wife died. It appears he changed his name from Chilton to Chelton some time after immigrating as he and his children all use Chelton through most all state side records. He later died in Northwest Pennsylvania.

I have done surname searches and it appears there are quite a few Chiltons and Cheltons in England and not many in Wales, so I am wondering based on where Llanbadarn Fawr is if he or his family had moved from England at some point. Several other people in my family have hit a dead end at this point and I hate to just give it up. So that is why I am asking advice here. Any thoughts on how to track them any further back? Thanks.
WikiTree profile: John Chelton
in Genealogy Help by Living Chelton G2G6 (8.8k points)
Based on my own searches of online records, there appear to be three "concentrations" of Chiltons in England - in Buckinghamshire, the West Midlands and Yorkshire. The nearest of these to Wales is the West Midlands, so I would have thought it more likely that a link may be to the Chiltons of Staffordshire or Worcestershire.

2 Answers

0 votes lets you see the records from Wales and England, but you have to have a WorldWide membership.
by Living Hoppenstedt G2G Crew (390 points)
0 votes

Descendants of Richard Evans

Generation No. 1

1. Richard1 Evans was born 1800 in Ireland, and died October 09, 1874.  He married Rachel Code.  She was born 1794 in Innesville, Ontario, Canada, and died April 09, 1879.

Notes for Richard Evans:

National Library and Archives:       

A Richard Evans settled in Ramsay at Con 1, Lot 20 E Settler number 71 on December 6, 1822.  Referred as Lanark Military Settler in Letter to Major Hillier at Government House, York, U.C.  Letter signed by Col. W. Marshall "Supt. " He also certified that this Richard Evans did not belong to the societies of emigrants from Lanarkshire Scotland and did not receive any assistance from Government in money or provisions.  Letter dated December 24, 1825.

Richard Evans emigrated from Ireland to Canada in 1822 and settled in Ramsay Township, Lanark County Ontario November 30th 1822.  The family farm was located on Concession 2, lot 20 east just outside of Clayton.  According to Lanark county (Ontario) census of 1861, his age is given as 61 years. 

The death of Richard Evans is entered in Ann Plunkett's family Bible as: October 9, 1874.  The family farm passed to William and then to his son Abe and upon Abe's death the family homestead passed to George Pretty, a son of Janet Evans and George Goodson Pretty.  The widow of George Pretty sold the homestead and the present owners are believed to be from Ottawa.

Notes for Rachel Code:
Her age is given as 67 years in the Lanark county census. The death of Rachel Code Evans is entered in Ann Plunkett's family Bible as April 9, 1879.

Children of Richard Evans and Rachel Code are:

2 i.  Abe2 Evans.

More About Abe Evans:
Residence: Worwota, Manitoba, Canada

3 ii. Betty2 Evans married John Miller.

4 iii. George2 Evans.
More About George Evans:
Residence: White Lake, Ontario, Canada

5 iv. John2 Evans, born 1823 in Clayton, Ontario, Canada; died November 15, 1903.

6 v. Maggie2 Evans married Charles Miller.

7 vi. Mary2 Evans married William Roberts.

8 vii. Rachel2 Evans married a Mr. Potter.

9 viii. Richard2 Evans.

10 ix. Sally2 Evans married Joe Owens.

11 x. William2 Evans, born 1826.

12 xi. Ann2 Evans, born May 28, 1823 in Ramsey Township, Ontario, Canada.  She married Roger Plunkett February 14, 1844; born 1817.

Generation No. 2

5. John2 Evans (Richard1) was born 1823 in Clayton, Ontario, Canada, and died November 15, 1903.  He married Sara G. McCullough, daughter of (Mother’s name – Morrison) McCullough.  She was born 1836 either near Belfast Ireland or Cobourg, Ontario, and died May 14, 1909.

Notes for John Evans:
Trekked to Kincardine, Ontario in Bruce County.

Children of John Evans and Sara McCullough are:

13 i. Elizabeth3 Evans, died in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  She married a Mr. Hamilton.

14 ii. James Kirk3 Evans died 1952 in Petrolia, Ontario, Canada.

15 iii. Jane3 Evans died in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada.

16 iv. John3 Evans died in Kincardine Ontario, Canada.

17 v. Margaret3 Evans died in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.

18 vi. Mary3 Evans.

19 vii. Annie3 Evans, born in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada.  She married a Mr. Hughes.

20 viii. Richard3 Evans died in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

21 ix. William3 Evans.

22 x. Robert3 Evans, died March 31, 1872.

11. William2 Evans (Richard1) was born 1826.  He married Elizabeth Munro.

Notes for William Evans:
William stayed on the homestead at Clayton until his death.

Children of William Evans and Elizabeth Munro are:

 23 i. Mary3 Evans married a Mr. Johnson.

24 ii. Janet3 Evans married George Goodson Pretty.

25 iii. Abe3 Evans, born May 19, 1868; died October 1941.

26 iv. Elizabeth3 Evans, born 1867; died 1882. 27 v. Sarah Evans, born 1873; died 1882.

I would love to hear from any relatives and to share information.




by anonymous G2G Crew (510 points)

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