Why does this have my previous married name, and not my current name, or maiden name? And WHY can't I fix it?

+4 votes
When I first visited, it asked me what my name was before, NOT what my maiden name was, and I gave it the name I had before, through my EX.  Now, it has my EX married name as MY name instead of my current married name, or maiden name!  And it won't let me edit it.  I can edit my first name.  Help!!!
in Genealogy Help by Donna Slaten G2G Rookie (280 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Hi Donna, Under the EDIT tab on your profile page, you should be able to edit both the Last name at Birth field by clicking on the little edit word next to that, and also to change the Current Last Name field directly under that. I hope that helps. ~tami osmer
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)
selected by Michelle Hartley
Thanks everyone.  Don't understand why I could change my first and middle name in the first tab.  But had to go to a seperate tab for my last name!
+2 votes
Go to your Profile, click on the Edit tab and then down to your surname(s) information.  you should be able to do the edit there.

I hope this helps,

Keith Baker
by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (108k points)

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