Hello, I ran across this site today and noiced my great-great-great grandfather's name (I think that is correct.) Anyway, I have a fair amount of info and would like to pass it to you for publication. Please contact meby email [Edit: deleted for privacy] and I can pass you what I have.
Fidelis Higi emigrated to Ohio/Indiana around 1850(?) (I'm just going by rough memory here. I have notes stored away and can send you more exact info. He married, had kids, was a farmer, served in the Civil War.
Joined the 13th Inf Army in March 1863, fought at Gettysburg and was present when the South surrenered at Appomattox. Probably was released in late 1865.
He died May 7, 1921 and is buried in Union City, Indiana.
Hope to hear from you.
John Higi
Arlington, VA