Looking for information re Richard Woodring from Pennsylvania who served in Germany in 1945

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I am a Woodring and have traced them back to the early 1700s when they came to PA.  I dont have a Richard in my tree but I am still working on it.  Do you have any more information


by Diane McCue G2G Rookie (260 points)
Thank you for your reply.  We don't have a lot of information  My husband Richard Donald (dob 11 March 1946) was fathered by a Pennsylvania Wiodring stationed in Germany during WW2. His father was killed in action in the Pacific before his birth. We know that his mother (Anna Baier) corresponded with a sister in Pennsylvania but don't know her name unfortunately. We were told he was named after his father.
i did a search on graves for someone who died in 1945 or 1946 and buried in PA.  I found one but not with the same first name.  Also 2 other who died and buired in Hawaii and overseas.


Here is the link for the one buried in PA.


Thank you so much.  Can you tell me the names and death dates of  the other two?  My husband will be very excited that he might finally find some information.  His mother would only tell him the above and she has now passed away. We tried to obtain info from the USA military several years ago but were told the records had been destroyed in a fire.
Thank you for that link. I don't think that is the right person as the date of death is too early in 1945. Richard was born in March 1946 so I guess his father's death would have to be sometime after May 1945.

We are based in Australia and really appreciate your help in our search for information.

here is another link for the Woodrings when they came to America.  This is my family.  Good luck



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