You might want to see if this text is available in a local library near you as it seems these families resided in the area of Cumberland, ME and many were sailors. You might get more thorough data.
Vital records of Cumberland, Maine 1701-1892
Some records can also be found on
Although you would have to confirm that these matches are correct. Census data on dob of Wm H is confusing. I am not related until you get back to the Littlefield lineage, and then only laterally, so I have never actually researched these lines.
Maine, Marriages
Groom William Henry Ross
Bride Mahala Ann Curet
Marriage 18 Nov 1847 Cumberland, ME
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M50352-2
Groom John Ross
Bride: Dorcas Hamilton
Marriage 05 Nov 1812 Cumberland, ME
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M50352-2
Maine, Births
William Orrin Ross
Birth 02 Aug 1865 CUMBERLAND,ME
Father Wm. H Ross Mother Mahala
Mahala Ann Curate
Birth 15 Mar 1829 CUMBERLAND,ME
Father Stephen Curate
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50352-1
U S Census, 1850 Cumberland Islands, Cumberland, ME
William H Ross M 23 ME (Sailor)
Mahala H Ross F 29 ME (abt 1820)
Sybell Ross F 1 ME
Next Household: Same census
Stephen Curit M 42 ME (Sailor)
Clarrisa Curit F 41 ME
William J Curit M 21 ME (sailor)
John Curit M 17 ME (sailor)
Stephen Curit M 17 ME (sailor)
Joshua Curit M 15 ME
Susan Curit F 13 ME
Clarrisa Curit F 11 ME
Joseph Curit M 10 ME
Hannah W Curit F 8 ME
Caroline F Curit F 6 ME
Sewall Curit M 2 ME
U S Census, 1860 Cumberland, ME Page: 31 Family Number: 257
William H. Ross 32 M ME
Mahalia A Ross 29 F ME
Sybel F Ross F 11 ME
Angelia T Ross F 9 ME
U S Census, 1900 ED 62 Portland city Ward 4, Cumberland, ME
Lodger William H Ross M 73 b. Dec 1827 ME widowed
Son William Ross M 32 b. Mar 1868 ME Divorced
U S Census, 1860 Cumberland, ME Page: 31 Family Number: 257
William H. Ross 32 M ME
Mahalia A Ross 29 F ME
Sybel F Ross F 11 ME
Angelia T Ross F 9 ME