Hi all those fellow tree geeks out there,,am seeking any info on what bacame of my gr gr Grandfather,Edward or Edmund Butler born abt 1813 Little Eaton ,Derbyshire,he is listed down on the 1841 Census,mispelt as Butter?born 1816? wed to a Mary with Children James and Eliza, Edward is down as a Stone Cutter,after that the Mystery starts,he is not down on the 1851 Census,only Wife Mary down as Widower and there Children,they are living with Marys Father James Standley or Standle also Widower,in 1847 my gr Grandfather George was born .Edward seems to have died,was killed,or did a runner soon after,but then I tried a few Death Certs and came up with an Edward Butler the year 1851 age 40 Engraver,could that be in Stone,place Glossop,Derbyshire.which would tally up with his Birth almost,and just wanted to know if any out there can verify this thanks Regards David