It appears that her parents were John George Featherstone and Gertrude E (unk). Maybe you can locate her birth record from Sept 1904 in Newport, RI and find her mothers maiden name?
Texas, Birth Certificates
Douglas Glen Ludlam
Birth 11 Oct 1929 El Paso, TX
Father: Douglas Glen Ludlam
US Army Age 24 Birth RI
Mother: Margaret Edith Featherston
Age 24 Birth RI
R I State Census, 1905
Wife Gertrude Featherstone 24 F Oct 1, 1881 Eng
Dau Margaret E Featherstone 9 m F Sept 14, 1904 Newport, RI
Dau Maud Featherstone 2 F Dec 14, 1903 NY
U S Census 1910 Newport Ward 5, Newport, RI
SELF John G Featherstone M 34y NY
WIFE Gertrude Featherstone F 28y Eng
DAU Maude L Featherstone F 7y NY
DAU Margaret E Featherstone F 5y RI
U S Census, 1920 Philadelphia, PA
SELF George Featherstone M 42y NY
WIFE Gertrude Featherstone F 38y Eng
DAU Maud Featherstone F 17y NY
DAU Margaret Featherstone F 16y RI
DAU France Featherstone F 7y NY