Can you help me with Rozelle Everts

+1 vote
I come from the line of David Everts Born abt. 1827, He was married to Harriet Burton and then later to Catherine Barline. I am trying to find David's parents and back. Can anyone out there help me please, I wasn't raised with my family so I don't have much. David was the father of Rozelle Everts and he was my great grandfather.

Thank You,

Kathy S. Everts,
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
David Everts in 1880 census says born 1827 PENNSYLVANIA.iN 1870

Census says born New York.Found David Everts born 1827 Hinsdale,

Cattaraugus,New York.Rosella or Rosell A. 1870 census born 1854 New York.

What else you need to know about Rosell ?


Wayne R. Morgan 5487 Wiki Tree
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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