Was their a family of Flavins in Yougal Cork co Ireland ? Is that where this family is from?

+1 vote
I have been trying to track down the origin of the Daglin Flavin Family of eastern Cork Ireland I have the baptism records from Dungarvan in the 1830s and 40s. They then traveled to New York around 1850 and then to Syracuse. From there Fond Du Lac Wisconsin and then to Yankton SD and finally to Meade county SD. Are these Flavion Families related to Michael Flavin?.
WikiTree profile: Michael Flavin
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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello there - yes, there was a Flavin family that had a 120 acre farm in the area now known as Pilmore (from the Gaelic Poll More  - Big Hole).  Farm was sold in 1953 and subdivided among local farmers.


Deirdre Flavin

Thank you for your response Dierdre, I am looking for a family of Flavins who lived in the area around 1800. We Descend from Deglin Flavin or Dechlin Flavin of Cork county who married Brigid Gleeson of Dungarvan in 1828 " They lived in Ballymacmague and had children between 1831 and 1843 . I always wondered if this family of Flavins lived in Yougal late 1700s early 1800s but I have no way of finding this out any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John McDonald Jackson Michigan US.
Hi John - I don't have definite information to tie this together. I am managing this profile, and putting information into Wikitree, as I get time, from records collected by my aunt.  Michael Flavin was born to John and Eleanor Flavin in Eastern County Cork, but I don't have any additional details...  They immigrated in ~1843 to Montreal where Eleanor died soon thereafter. Michael's half-brother Timothy Flavin (through John's second wife Mary J O'Connor Flavin) ended up in South Dakota in Springfield, which is one county west of Meade (as you mentioned).  These dates and locations are not quite on the mark with your original query... but then again, a lot of my information is from oral history so I'm not sure we can count on 100% accuracy.

I would LOVE to get more details on that and tie my Flavin family to some specific locations and relations in Ireland. (Michael is my namesake so I'm definitely interested in helping with this effort.) I will look through my aunt's records again and see if I can find some additional details.

Mike Markley
Boise Idaho.

Hi Deirdre, If you don't mind my asking, how do you fit into the Flavin family? Are you living in Ireland or the USA, or ? -Mike

I’am a Flavin based in Glasgow (Scotland)! Up the Flavin’s! Grandfather was born in Limerick. His name was Patrick Flavin.

Hi Mike, I know it has been years, but through DNA we have been able to tie our family to a John Flavin of Waterford Ireland and his sons Michael and John. We had two matches with John's descendants and one with Michaels as I recall. I am not sure where this Michael went to, but John stayed put in Cork and his descendants went to Massachusetts.
Also as I recall there was a Meade area man who was a Flavin who arrived very early as a pioneer, I will see if I can find the article about him.
John McDonald Spring Arbor Michigan email address daddymac1961@yahoo.com

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