Why does the "GEDCOM" come in a text file?

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I have no idea how to download the "GEDCOM" as all I get is a text file.

in Genealogy Help by Viola Mills G2G Rookie (130 points)
retagged by Tami Mize

3 Answers

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Most genealogy software can import a GEDCOM.  Basically, it IS a text file, but it includes codes that the software recognizes so it knows what data to put where.
by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.0k points)
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I should have mentioned; you can get free software here.  I am using Personal Ancestral File.  I have also downloaded Legacy Family Tree and it seems to have a more modern user interface, but I haven't used it enough to really comment on it.  I use PAF and it works fine for me.

by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.0k points)
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A GEDCOM file is a plain text file, but most genealogy software programs can import them and present the information to you.

by Russ Worthington G2G Crew (800 points)

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