New category for findagrave

+2 votes

I've created a new category for findagrave records. [[Category:findagrave]] I've found that it is one of the best sources for information.  I try to include a section to profiles for Death and Burial and whenever possible source it to the website.  Each person's memorial has a unique number.   If you have any questions about findagrave please let me know.

in Policy and Style by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)
retagged by Chris Whitten
Can you give me the code to put each findagrave memorial number on individual profile pages? Itried five or six times and messed up so i have just been referring them to the site but if people have to make the search themselves it isnt as nice on this site.

It's a bit strange how ugly the links are.  Each memorial has it's own memorial number which you can see either at the end of the URL or at the bottom of the memorial itself.  Here is a link

The only thing that will change between people is the numbers at the end. Take a look at this profile I've listed the memorial number in the source sections then added [[]] after the memorial so that users don't have to see the actual URL.


Good luck.


1 Answer

+2 votes

Hi Ed,

I'm confused about why this would be a category, instead of just having links from the profiles to their Find a Grave memorial pages.

On we lay out three basic ways to categorize a person:

  1. Where they lived or worked (Regions).
  2. What they did (Professions, Hobbies, Sports, Military Veterans).
  3. Historical events or trends (World History).

Does this fit into one of those? Can you explain more?


by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
My thought process was that by creating a findagrave category users would be led to a place where they could easily browse others of the same family or within a certain cemetery and it would encourage more and better sourcing.  I believe that many people are leary of clicking on links that take them away from the wikitree site.

A visitor looking at John Burke on my site and clicks on the findagrave category and is shown that many others Burkes are there as well.

Anyway it made sense to me..
In this instance, it seems to me that the this category would rapidly get out of hand, eventually listing every person with a findagrave memorial.  Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of categorization ?

That's kind of my take on the question. Eventually you would have a clone of Findagrave. I could certainly see the benefit of a Category:Cemetery. 

For example:  Bethel Cemetery, Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, USA. I would like to associate the person with the cemetery, but also have the person show up also in e.g., Category:Hymera, Indiana.

I'm not sure how that could be done nicely.

I agree with Michael and BK.

Ed, I'd recommend linking to Find a Grave pages from profiles. If you think viewers might be uncomfortable with clicking over to Find a Grave link to as well (that page could be filled out, I just started with what you had on the category page).

For example, on I edited your source item to this:

* [[Find A Grave]]: [ Memorial# 30838618]

The [[Find a Grave]] is an internal WikiTree link to so you put two sets of brackets around it.

The link to the memorial page is an external link so it requires the full URL abd single brackets. (For more on creating links on WikiTree profiles see .)

As for cemetery categories, I just created this: How do you create a cemetery category and add your ancestors to it?

BK, I'll answer you over there.


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