How are we all related?

+5 votes
One of the coolest features that has implemented is one that I think would be a good fit on WikiTree.  (I don't know if this is even possible here)  There is a link on every one of my ancestors that says show relationship to me.  It's very very cool.  For instance I am the 1st cousin 2x removed from a certain individual and it lists the people in the line between us.  Is this possible?  Put in two profiles and hit the how are they related button.
in Genealogy Help by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
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Hey there Ed!

There actually is a feature on Wiki Tree that does that.  At the top of profiles (just to the right of the person's name) in your tree is an icon that looks like this:   -><-   .  If you hover your mouse over it, it should say "Find Relationship".  Clicking on this will open a page that tells you how you are related and lists the family members that connect you.  Very cool, right?

All of the icons next to the profile name do something really neat.  You can generate a family group sheet, ahnentafel table, pedigree chart, list of descendents, etc.  They are very powerful features, and really helpful.

Is that what you were looking for ?

- Mike
by Michael Gabbard G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)
selected by Thomas MacEntee

Duh!  I like it a lot but ....

One of the nice things that ancestry provides is the names of all the intermediate members.    For instance I have some family that married one of the Mayflower passengers.    When I search on John Alden I find that he is my: maternal grandfather of wife of 1st cousin 9x removed

And a list of all the people between us.  Very helpful..


Great feature though, I should have found it on my own.


Ed -

No worries, we're here to help each other out.

As for those additional features, I'll leave that for Chris to answer.  WikiTree has some really great functionality already, and it keeps getting better.  I don't know what is involved in the coding to make what you're hoping for possible, but feedback is always a good thing!

- Mike
Thanks, Mike!

Ed, our Relationship Finder does show the intermediate relationships to the first common ancestor. That is, you should see how you are related to the common ancestor and how the other person is related to the common ancestor.

For resource reasons we only go back ten generations, though. And it's only blood relationships. Does Ancestry include marriage relationships?
I find that it doesn't always show the intermediate people, so maybe Ed is looking at one that doesn't. For example, if I do the relationship calculator for direct ancestors that are more than a couple of generations back, I just get a line that says, for example, "Augustin Lavoie is the great-great-great-great-great grandfather of Lianne Elizabeth Marguerite Lavoie." and that's it.

I can't quite figure out where it stops showing intermediate people. I tried two different 4x great grandparents, and one showed them and the other didn't.
Oh, haha, I figured it out. The ones that don't show the intermediate people are the ones who have no parents. It can't show them because there's no "common ancestor". handles the relationship feature as follows:

Arminia Sina Beard is your second cousin four times removed.

...Andrew Jonathan Barton (his father), Hannah Ann Blackstock (his mother), Daniel K. Blackstock (her father), James H. Blackstock (his father), Mary Blackstock (his sister), Aaron Moses "Lem" Beard (her son), Arminia Sina Beard (his daughter) and so on.

It gets a lot more elaborate than that, but you have to be a paying member (which I'm not) to get the relationship between very distant cousins and in-laws.

I have a relative by whom I'm related a couple generations back, by marriage.. the feature can't find a blood relative... but I'd love to see it be able to include a by-marriage relationship in there, too.

The same relationship on Geni tells me:

so-and-so is your great uncle's great niece's husband.

Here on Wikitree it tells me:

We couldn't find a common ancestor, however:

  1. They could be related by marriage or adoption, but not blood.
  2. They could have a common ancestor deeper in history than we can search. We check ten generations for each person — up to 2,046 ancestors.
  3. They could have an incomplete or incorrect tree. Very few WikiTreers have a perfect 2,046-person tree ... yet. 



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