Is John Shaul the father of Peter Challe (Shaul)?

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I have been attempting to determine Peter Challe/Shaul's father and have not been able to find anything corroborating that John Shaul is Peter's father.  I find it odd that John sailed before Peter (and settled in New York) whereas Peter sailed later (and settled in Virginia).
WikiTree profile: John Shaul
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1 Answer

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Best answer
I  believe you might find that John was German and Peter was French.   The John Shaul family that ended up in NY (Johannes Schall) was German and no relation to the Pierre Challe family from France.
by Pat Shaul G2G Crew (500 points)
Thanks for your help!  I had been under the impression that Peter Shaul/Challe and John Shaul/Schall were not related, but found a family tree online claiming that Peter was the son of John, so that threw me for a loop.  The timing (in terms of age) is about right, but I found it odd that Peter (who I believe to be from Strasburg, France) would settle in Virginia and not New York (where John had settled).  So, it makes more sense that they are not related.  I have been unsuccessful in finding any of Peter Challe's ancestors.

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