When you 'join' WikiTree a profile is automatically generated giving you a Member account or Guest Member account.
Your profile currently shows no details other than your name. You should review the following 2 topic areas, one on guest members and the other on 'privacy' levels - what other people can and cannot see about you or any profiles you may eventually enter.
Guest Members
This is a temporary membership level for those who are new to WikiTree. Anyone can register as a Guest.
Guests can participate in G2G and edit their own profile. They cannot create or edit other profiles but they can add comments to profiles.
A Guest Member can become a Wiki Genealogist if they volunteer to help grow our worldwide family tree and a current Wiki Genealogist (usually a Greeter) confirms them. This gives them a Family Member account which is transformed into a Wiki Genealogist account as soon as they sign the Honor Code.
A Guest Member can become a Family Member if a Wiki Genealogist volunteers to help connect their family.
Some Guests may just be exploring or using G2G. There is no commitment. They can choose to delete their account or let it expire.
↑ People who have been invited to join WikiTree but haven't yet accepted the invitation have "pending" Family Member accounts. This distinguishes them from active Family Member accounts and passive profiles.
↑ If a Guest doesn't manually delete their account or become a Wiki Genealogist or Family Member within 90 days (the time limit is still being considered) their account will be automatically removed.
PRIVACY LEVELS http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Privacy