Curious about comment box on some profiles

+6 votes

I find this comment on some profiles – eg

"The WikiTree community needs your help with this profile. For complete editing rights request to join this profile's Trusted List. Or simply leave a comment with information".

On occasion I do send a note to ask to join the trusted list – but wonder why this comment is there, if they have no manager I would be happy to adopt those connected with me.


WikiTree profile: Roger de Beaumont
in Genealogy Help by Wendy Hampton G2G6 Mach 2 (25.4k points)
recategorized by Chris Whitten

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi Wendy,

That profile does have a Profile Manager, but the comment is there to encourage collaboration.

The wording of these invitations to request Trusted List access has changed lately. We're still playing with it.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
What triggers that cry for help?
Is there a way the profile manager could do something to get that message to appear?  For a lot of the profiles I've adopted, I've done what I can. But since they're not my direct line, I don't know enough to do much.  It would be nice to be able to trigger that highlighted request for assistance to be on the profile (e.g., Dixon-1113).

Hey Liz,

I often put personal notes on the pages of my brickwall ancestors.

For example, I just put a generic one on Dixon-1113 that says:


''We need your help filling in the details on John Dixon. Please [ request to join the Trusted List]. Or, if you're a full member you can edit without joining the Trusted List since this is an Open profile. If you prefer, you could just post a comment with information on the bulletin board to the right or click the link to ask a question.''
You can add more specific questions, sign and date it with ~~~~  , personalize the appeal, etc.
Thanks Chris - that's even better for my adopted profiles, since it'll be on both public and private profiles.

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