Am I directly connected to the hatfields and mccoys?

+4 votes
Okay, so growing up I heard studies of how my grandmother and grandfather fell in love and due to the feud ran off and married. I never was able to ask my grandparents however, nor am I sure which was Hatfield and which was mccoy. They do come from the general area of the famous families. I am hoping someone here may be able to aid me in my research. My grandmothers name was Eva May ?? and my grandfathers was Arnold Blankenship. . I would appreciate any help you can give me.
in Genealogy Help by

4 Answers

+3 votes

Might be one of those fun free-space pages which needs to be created.  Lots of external sites.  Good info on wikipedia



by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)
+3 votes

Here is an interesting Newsletter from the Phillips Family DNA group-8. There is mention of living descendants corresponding as recently as 2008:

Phillips DNA Project Newsletter - July 2012

They also have the main website here

by Matt Bowler G2G5 (5.6k points)
I found out in my tree both my grandparents are a Hatfield and a McCoy, heard that around house never thought much, Jesse McCoy and Moose Hatfield are my 11 th cousins I just wouldn't want those tumors, my sister had lot removed from,her head, she is passed now but she had other tumors, Doctors said our family

 came here before shots ,as most . Wow that's wild thank you.
+3 votes
Not a true answer but a possable clue . From my family lore ...........A, Thomas Hatfield and a Mary McCoy . Sorry , don't remember anymore than the names . Good luck .
by Robert Patterson G2G5 (5.3k points)
edited by Robert Patterson
+3 votes
In my own family search  , I too ran across a Blankenship relation  to a Hatfield . Thomas Wesley Blankenship (1855-1930 ) married Nacy Jane Collins (1866-1918). Nancy Jeans father was William Collins (1806-1896) from Russel County , Va. In his second marriage he married Mary Ann " Molly " Hatfield of , and in , Logan County , West Virginia in 11/25/1860. She was the daughter of Joseph and Nancy (Evans) Hatfield . Reason I posted information , is I've found in my W.V. research , due to physical terrain , family's staied in general area's and you find where pair's of sibling's married other Sibling pairs. ....or the cousin of . I doubt this is a lead or help but you never know . Good luck in your search . Regards , Robert.
by Robert Patterson G2G5 (5.3k points)
edited by Robert Patterson
Thank you it's the Melville and Huston my grandparents who ,one is related to McCoy and the other is Hatfield, all interesting,  thank you

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