How can I print ALL my ANCESTOR's list instead of 4 separeted ones?

+9 votes

The site offers easy way to print 4 Ancestors lists , numbered 1 to 127; I would like to be able to see the list numbered 1 to the very end of my tree. It then would be easy to find the close family link following the multiple/division by 2. Is that possible to do so and how? And if not, could it be developped?


in Genealogy Help by Living Tardif G2G Crew (950 points)

For clarity: Gaston is asking about how to expand the Ahnen-numbered ancestor list e.g. which shows seven generations and 127 people.

Clearly written Chris. Thanks. Waiting for the answer.

This sounds like just the type of task I had in mind when I started the wikitree_tools project.

I believe some views on wikitree are limited in the number of generations to display so that the servers don't get overloaded. One workaround is to download the data to your local computer and work with it offline. I don't yet have a script to genrate a list as described above, but I do have some scripts that do similar things, so theoretically it shouldn't be difficult to adapt my code to generate what you are looking for. Of course, my scripts are aimed more at advanced computer users, so may not be the right answer for most users.

So I guess I don't have an answer for you yet, but if you're comfortable downloading your GEDCOM and running a python script, I could put together a script when I have a few spare minutes.


You're the best, Roland.

I guess this means you're back from your tropical vacation. Got a nice suntan? :-)
Thank you for your answer Roland. I will try running a python script but I will have to study this approach first, as I am not familiar with it.

I do think, though, that the full Ahnen-number ancestors list should be accessible.
The 7 generations is very helpful. However,  I'd like to see the following changes:

a) The option of only showing  known individuals...eliminating many pages of "unknown"

b) With option a), the ability to show many generations before number 7.

With all that said: I am very happy with Wiki and all you behind-the-scene people who always offer help and solutions.   Many thanks!

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