What triggers that cry for help?

+5 votes
I'd like for "The WikiTree community needs your help with this profile." to be on the profiles I've adopted and that I can't do anything more for, but it's not (conversely, I don't see the rationale for it to be on robust profiles).  I couldn't figure out differences that would trigger the box with the rally cry. Would it be possible to include a way for the profile manager to add or remove it from the login/trusted list request box?
related to an answer for: Curious about comment box on some profiles
in Genealogy Help by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (673k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

The appeal with that wording currently appears on public views (what you see if you're not in the Trusted List) if it's a Public or Open profile and there is a Profile Manager. If there's no manager, it's a direct appeal to adopt the profile.

You can add your own messages inside the text of the page. That doesn't just have to be for biographies and sources. You can highlight missing information and ask for help in any way you think best. Sometimes these personal appeals can be more effective than the generic template-based ones.

For example, see what I put on http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Dixon-1113


by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Liz Shifflett
Oh, another idea: Ask a question about the person in G2G. The question then appears at the top-right of the profile. For example, you could ask "Can anyone help me find the death date for John Dixon?"
0 votes
I've found that message in a box on several profiles that had no relatives attached:

Father unknown, mother unknown, unknown siblings, unknown spouse, unknown children.

Example: Paybody-1
by Becky Syphers G2G6 Mach 4 (40.9k points)
John Peabody is not among my ancestors, so I'll leave the management of his profile to those who are his descendents, but I've added a bit of information on his parents, sibling and child on his proifle.
thanks.  That wasn't the case when I asked the question, but I just checked on one of the profiles that I was surprised to see it on and it's gone.  Still, "no relatives" isn't the trigger, as it's on profiles with relatives attached too (e.g., Bell-1035).
'Twas just an exercise, just to see if information was available.


Until the question was posted, I hadn't seen the "Help Needed" box.
I asked Lianne, a WikiTree Admin. She said: "...that message that appeared just means you were looking at the public view instead of the private view."
Oh, I meant that box as a whole. Not the specific line "The WikiTree community needs your help with this profile.", which this question is asking about. Sorry for the confusion.

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