Parents John P Smith b. 1840 La with half-brother Allen Phillips

0 votes
Looking for name of parents of my g-grandfather John P. Smith b. 1840 Louisiana.  From Civil War Pension records ,I know John had a half-brother named Allen Phillips . 1850 Catahoula Parish census list Robert head with Penelope as spouse as well as John P and William Smith children. I believe Penelope is John’s mother based in part on death certificate of Allen listing parents as Robert & Nellie Phillips. Been unable to locate Nellie or Robert for sure after 1850 census.
in Genealogy Help by Dot Chappelle G2G Crew (770 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is not a "final" answer to your question, but maybe it will give you a place to start.  It is a memorial on for John P. Smith, born 1840.  it lists 2 spouses and dates of marriage.  Maybe the marriage registers will have parental information.



by Heidi Nead G2G6 (8.7k points)

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