52 Photos Week 11: Hats

+17 votes

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in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
We have a 1910 family wedding photo that we call "big hats". I hope I followed all the steps correctly so others can see it and maybe identify their Burgess, Ribbens, Hydon (bride) or Cockman (groom) forebears.
Did you ANSWER with the photo?

A Quark's Hat :

If Hats Could Chat 

Perchance They'd Chat 

Of Genealogy's Bald Skullduggery, 

Of Family Braineacks, Patchwork Thoughts, 

Cerebral Murmurs and Resonant Entrophic Wacks !

Of Cloche, Bowler, Stetson, Zucchetto, Beanie

Beret, Fedora, Kentucky Gardens and Cossack Caps !

Alas Our Spheres 

We Cover Dear

We Fashion Communicate

Without A Fear Of How We Look

We Sneer at Hat-less Aliens  

 A Saucer Wink 

For Upon the Heaven's Cosmic Curtain

With Congratulatory Certain

Our Invented Hats In Hand 

Our Creator Will Be Smiling !

Back From The Pearly Gate ! 

Under The Brim of a Perfect Hat !  

C'est Bon Magnifique !  



Wonderful, Jerry!
Absolutely Wonderful --- in its true meaning

55 Answers

+12 votes
Righto, mine's in. Topliss family.
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (141k points)
Sorry, I don't see a photo
It's on the photos page, where it's supposed to be. :)
It's not in here!
+23 votes

This is My grandfather Boile Christiansen with hat 

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Susan, I love everything about this photo -- the hat, but also the jacket, the pants, the cane, the chair and especially the look of peace and dignity on your grandfather's face. Thanks for sharing it.
Very lovely photo!  He was a very handsome man.
Thank You Robin you are always so very sweet I really wish I had meet him

But he die of malaria in Hong Kong
Thank You Caryl for your kind mail
Your grandfather was certainly a distinguished and great looking man, glad you have this photo in such perfect condition.
Thank you Alexis For your kindens  i am so Happy i have photo of My granddad
He looks like a detective.
Looks like Dan Stevens the actor in the Downton Abbey series! Really lovely photo! Is he holding a pipe between his fore- and middle-fingers? Thanks for the history captured in this photo. Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428).
Thank you Carol for your kind word much appreciated
+24 votes

This is an easy one - I love this hat worn by my husband's great aunt Agnes Lawless. Actually, I love the entire outfit! I would love to know more about her.

by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
That is quite a hat on a very beautiful woman.

What a hat!!

What a magnificent hat and a wonderful woman
What a grand hat.
+28 votes

This is a picture of my dear grandmother Pearl McCleery. This picture was taken about 1905 when she 20 years old and living in Pike Co., Illinois. She moved to Oklahoma in 1907; the year Oklahoma became a state. It is in her Illinois scapebook.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (933k points)
Your grandmother is wearing a beautiful hat. I really like the way women dressed at that time. Your grandmother is a lovely woman. Thank you for sharing this photo.
Thank you Robin, and yes she was a lovely woman in every way. I was her only grandchild, and I was very fortunate that I got to live with her when I was young.
I love everything about this photo.  Just gorgeous.
Thank you Caryl, she was a very special lady—always sweet and kind to everyone.
What a magnificent lady your grandmother was really beautiful
Thank you Susan, I can tell by your comments that you are a very caring lady. My grandmother had a personality like you have—making things better in this world.
You are sweet thank you
+16 votes

My first week. I've added a pic on the free-space page of my grandfather in his curling beret, tam, not quite sure what it is!

by Laurie Cruthers G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
edited by Laurie Cruthers
Where is the photo? Why not copy and paste it here?
Um, well I was taking the easy way out, Judy, since I've never quite figured out how to do it. Alright, how hard can it be, right?

This one?

No, that's from Library and Archives Canada, although he does have a cool hat! Okay, I have the URL. Let's see if I can do this.
So that didn't work. Here's the URL. I pasted it in the image box???? https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Cruthers-31-11 What am I doing wrong?

You need to go one more step .. and get the full url with the .jpg or .gif or whatever .. thusly : https://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/2/2b/Cruthers-31-11.jpg

Which then renders as:



And you can resize it in the add box.

Thanks, Melanie!

No worries.  smiley

If it is anywhere on wikitree, all you have to do is go to the picture and use the copy function (for Windows it is Cntrl-C) and then come to the answer box and EDIT it, then insert where you want it with a CNTRL-V for paste. Then don't forget to save it.
Gorgeous photo Melanie of your granddad I love his little smile on the photo
Thanks Judy and Susan. It's actually my "Gamp," Susan, but thanks to Melanie, you can see him.
+20 votes

This photo is of my husband's great-grandfather, Thomas Shaules. I think the entire photo is interesting, but the hat completes the total image. He looks like quite a guy. This photo was probably taken between 1870 and 1880.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I remember this fella!
I love this photo Robin of your husbands great grandfather

What a hat clothes he really is a very special person
He looks like a person from Martin Scorsese's 'Gangs of New York' Movie! The hat, the beard, the moustache, the whole image. Very cool! Thanks! Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428)
Good one, Carol!
Thanks, Carol, for the comment. I haven't seen that. I guess I'll have to. Be interesting to see a similar looking character.
+20 votes

My grandpa was about to leave for deployment to Europe, and his family understandably took a lot of pictures that day.  In this one, he let his mom borrow his hat.

by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (151k points)
Very cute!
Love this, mom wearing the hat.
Yes, very cute.  Glad he made it home.
+14 votes

Here’s my grandpa in 1916 wearing a hat of the era:


by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Pip, I love this photo -- it made me smile! Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks, Robin!
Your grandfather look lovely Pip wothhis banjo and great hat
+18 votes

Ruth Violet Lenore (Herling) Ranck

Born in Minnesota to Swedish parents; 70 years later our Norwegian relatives were surprised that she could still speak Swedish.

by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Great hat!
What a happy face!
What a face! Love it
Lovely lady SJ
+20 votes

I don't have many photos with hats in my family, but I have found a few, and am torn between two, one from my father's family, and one from my mother's.


This little girl (above) in the dress is my father's mother, Hazel, with her father, Asa Johnson, and two brothers, Ralph and Raymond. This was taken around 1915, based on her apparent age. It was probably in the area of Deer Trail, Arapahoe county, Colorado, but it might have been at their previous residence, in Lebanon Township, Laclede county, Missouri. If anyone is familiar with either of these areas, maybe they can let me know if the landscape looks right. It's somewhere with pretty big fish.


The elderly woman is my mother's grandmother, Julia Forrey. The children are my uncle Willis and aunt Mildred Stoner. My mother was not born for another 10 years. The car is probably a Willis-Knight, which my grandfather preferred. The photo was taken in 1920, in Pasadena, California.

by Alison Gardner G2G6 Mach 9 (90.1k points)
edited by Alison Gardner

Both are great but I really love that second one. I usually don’t see folks smiling in photos from so long ago, but youth was as irresistible as it is now.

+16 votes

I love this photo of my great grandfather Ralph Pruett (on the left) and his brothers taken in Santa Rosa, CA about 1940.

by Caryl Ruckert G2G6 Pilot (213k points)
Ralph has his thumbs in his pockets. I do that, too!
Gorgeous photo of your Of your great grandfather and his brothers

I just admire the clothes the have on, they look so elegant
Thanks Susan.  You are so thoughtful.  And thank you Pip.  I love those little idiosyncrasies about a person.  I will ask my Mom if she remembers him doing that often.
Very distinguishing group of men.
+16 votes
My family were never into wearing hats. So I had some trouble trying to decide what to do - until I came across the photo of my dad's 21st birhday party, They are all wearing PARTY HATS!!  LOL

by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Great photo, Robynne! Great hats!
Party hats count! Great pic.
+19 votes

Maj Gen Joseph Eldredge Hamblen (1828-1870) Joseph died of disease contracted during the war.  Was Adj. of Duryea's Zouaves, 5th NY Vols; Col. 65th Regt NY Vols; and Brevet Maj-Gen.      

by L. Ray Sears G2G6 Mach 5 (53.9k points)
Gorgeous photo how sad he died when f disease

I love his face with his hat on and his Bart grey photo
Wonderful photo!  Thanks for sharing it.
This is a really great image! Captures the face of the Civil War. Thanks! Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428)
+19 votes

Four kids on the farm, sporting their hats in 1936.

by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (382k points)
gorgeous photo Alex the all look amazing with there hat on
They all seem to be sporting a different style hat, but all keeping the sun off their heads. Thanks for sharing.
Secnd from left is wearing gloves. Starting him early!
+20 votes

Here is my great-grandfather, Knowlton Holmes, wearing a bowler hat.  He was born in 1883, and in the 1910 census he was living at home with his parents and siblings.  His occupation is listed as a bookkeeper in the woolen mills.  I like to imagine that this picture shows him as he's about to head off to his first day of work after completing his education.  With the stark and boring background, and the fact that he's standing in the middle of the road, I think that fits, though of course there's no way to know for sure.   

by Ben Griffith G2G6 Mach 1 (18.1k points)
So trim and neat. He does look as if he could be on his way to work. Thanks for sharing this photo.

What a great photo! 

Perfect bowler, briefcase and suit for the Thomas Crown Affair remake with Pierce Brosnan a few years back! Thanks! Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428).
"Dapper" is the perfect word to describe Mr. Holmes.
+20 votes

My mother, Ruth Rammel-Sims (1918-2006) ... was very creative ... and she had fun making funny stuff ... here is a hat she made ... looks like it started with a paper bag??

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
Looks just like something for a "make your own" for an Easter Bonnet competition or parade.
She looks like quite a lady, and that is a great hat. Thank you for sharing the photo.
Love that smile!
Wonderful pic. Paper bags were great for crafts; plastic bags, not so much.
+24 votes

One of my favorite cousin photos.

by Randall Gardner G2G6 Mach 3 (38.4k points)
Gorgeous lady just love her hat and outfit
Lovely lady, lovely outfit, lovely hat
I agree with Susan and Cheryl -- beautiful hat, beautiful dress, and very beautiful lady.
Lovely lady...looks a bit like Michelle Dockery in Downton Abbey.
OMG! Downton Abbey! This is a beautiful photo of a beautiful woman! Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428)
@D: You are right!
+24 votes

I posted this a while  back in another forum, but this is the most fabulous hat photo I have!  My great-aunt Poldi, around 1912 or so, probably in Germany.


by Jaki Erdoes G2G6 Mach 8 (84.1k points)
gorgeous, and so is her hat!
Lovely, oh so lovely! Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo.
What a magnificent hat on a beautiful lady she really look wonderful
What a fabulous photo of your great aunt. I love the crocheted jacket over her dress, the jewelry, the hat and the flower in her hair.
Beautiful portrait!

Thank you for all the nice comments.  Poldi had many great hats, it seems.  Here she is wearing another one.


And here she is again.  


A woman of impeccable taste. Not everyone can carry off a flower in her hair under an elaborate hat and make it work!
+21 votes

52 Photos Week 11 Hats

When I saw the subject, I knew I had the perfect picture for this week.


This is a picture of the Owl's Club and was taken in 1903. The Owl's Club was one of the oldest clubs in Indiana and was started when a group of local girls started having slumber parties and staying up until the wee hours of the morning. 

Vernon Archibald, a grandfather of one of my friend's was visiting and suggested that the group be called the Owls, a name fitting for those who were such night owls.

Membership became hereditary, and many current members have roots to this original group. It has no official ties to the DAR, even though many of its members had membership in that group.

As an aside, the Archibald brothers formed a quartet and recorded for Capital Records in the early days.

Mame Irene Ellis is the first lady in the back row on the left side.

by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Cheryl the lady’s look fantastic amazing with there adorable hats on
Thank you Susan. I thought they were pretty cute. You are always so sweet with your personal responses.

Bless you!
Early suffragettes!  I would nearly believe Susan B. Anthony was part of this group. At least I hope that would have been a topic of conversation with the Owls. Wonderful turn-of-the-century group photo! Thanks! Carol Baldwin (Baldwin-3428)
Thank you Carol. Wouldn't that be a "hoot".
+15 votes

This is my Grandfather [[Cook-7768|Floyd Harrison Cook]] holding his daughter [[Cook-18098|Catharine Cook-Stone]] on February 15, 1942; my Grandfather liked wearing hats and my Aunt is wearing a hood

by Keith Cook G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)
Wish I could tell what kind of car that is. Great photo!
Thanks, yeah I don't know but I may have the horn from it. My Grandparents had a brass horn, circular in shape with a rubber "ball" (for lack of a better word) that you'd squeeze to make it honk. I think I was told it was from a car. Anyway we'd honk that horn whenever someone left from visiting the house.
What a great memory! Write that one down!

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