Does anyone have information on charles f. nicholls?

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in Genealogy Help by Vicki Lathrop G2G Crew (610 points)
Do you have any additional information? Such as parents names, siblings names, spouse or children's names, date of birth, date of death, or where he may have lived? That makes it MUCH easier to find someone.
I think the information I have on him is not all the truth/ right, but here is what i have

charles f. nicholls dob 30 july 1879 waterloo, ont. canada and dod 1950 detroit michigan, father james ?? nicholls and mother ?? not sure sarah gillespie or gladsby can not find much information on either.  son is daniel le roy or donald not sure and his son is donald james leroy nicholls the dates and the wife of charles and james does not match. so i am confused.. need more information on the line!  thanks for any help!


2 Answers

0 votes

From  Seems to confirm that Charles Francis parents are James R Nicholls and Sarah Gillespie.  Sarah's birth year is unclear - 1852-1857?  Sarah's mother appears to be Margaret, and she is possibly the dau of John and Margaret Gillespie b. IRE in the 1820's from census data in that region.  Didn't find any marriage records for James and Sarah.

You might be able to find out more by researching the sibings using the free search tool at:

Do you know the name of Charles F spouse/mother of donald/daniel - that might lead to more?  Good Luck

Canada, Births and Baptisms

Charles Francis Nicholls Male

birth 30 Jul 1879  Wellesley, Waterloo, Ont

father James R. Nicholls

mother Sarah Gillespie

indexing project (batch) number: C01225-7


Canada Census, 1881 Wellesley, Waterloo North, Ont

 James Nichools M 31y  abt 1850 Ont

 Sarah Nichools F 29y abt 1852 Ont

 William J. Nichools M 4y Ont

 Charles F. Nichools  M 1y Ont

 George Nichools M 26y Ont



Ontario Births with Parents  James Nichols    Sarah Gillespie

Randolph Stanley Nichols

Birth  24 Nov 1890  Mornington Township, Perth, Ont

Harold Gladstone Nicholls

birth 10 May 1898 Mornington, Perth, Ont

John Walter Nicholls R.

Birth  16 Sep 1883 Wellesley, Waterloo, Ont

Ontario Marriages

Groom  Alexander F M Hahn

Age  26 est birth 1885

father: Ferdinand C F Hahn  mother: Emma Neumann

Marriage  20 Apr 1911  Brantford, Brant, Ont

spouse: Florence C Nicholls

 age 25 est birth  1886

spouse James R Nicholls   mother: Sarah Gillespie


Michigan, Marriages

groom Harold G. Nicholls

age 25 years   est  birth  1898  Ontario

groom Jas. Nicholls mother: Sarah Gillespie

marriage 02 Jul 1923  Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan

bride   Flora Mc Kay

age   21 years   est birth  1902  Scotland

father   John Dockray


Ontario Deaths  (? father of Charles)

James R. Nickolls

Death  08 Aug 1913  Malahide, Elgin, Ont

age 63   est birth 1850

father: Nicholls mother Margaret Thompson

Canada Census, 1891Mornington, Perth North, Ont

James Nicholls  M 42  1849  Ont

Sara Nicholls  F   34  1857 Ont

William Nicholls  M   13  1878  Ont

Charles Nicholls M   12  1879  Ont

Frederick Nicholls  M   9 1882  Ont

John Nicholls  M  7 1884  Ont

Florence Nicholls  F   5  1886  Ont

Randolph Nicholls  M   5  1886 Ont


Canada Census, 1901, F, Perth (north/nord), Ont

head  James Nichols M 51 Ont

wife  Sarah Nichols  F 44 Ont

son  Fred L Nichols M 19 Ont

dau  Florence C Nichols F 14 Ont

son  Stanley P Nichols M 10 Ont

son  Hartsel G Nichols M 2 Ont

mother-in-law  Margaret Galisper F 78 Ireland

niece  Mude Galisper F 10 Ont


Canada Census, 1871 Mornington, North Perth, Ont  ? Possibly Sarah Gillespie above

 John Gillespie M 50 Ireland

 Margaret Gillespie F 50 Ireland

 Samuel Gillespie M 25 Ireland

 William Gillespie M 21 Ont

 Sarah Gillespie  F 19 Ont

 David Gillespie M 16 Ont

 Elizabeth Gillespie F 7 Ont



by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (909k points)
0 votes

Yes, it does seem to be...

Father: James R Nicholls

Mother: Sarah Gillespie

Here's a relevant image (of note, "uncle" listed as Thomas Nicholls as

birth certificate witness)

And it looks likely that Charles Nicholls crossed from Canada to Michigan in about 1948.


by Matt Bowler G2G5 (5.6k points)

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