Why would the top portion of a surname index only show icons

0 votes
When I type in a surname, I do get the list of all the people with that surname but, most of the time, all the info on the top is gone (only my entries, click to sort alphabetical, etc). All that is displayed are some of the icons.
in Genealogy Help by Paula Hurwitz G2G2 (2.5k points)
edited by Chris Whitten
I think you haven't gotten an answer because people aren't understanding the question.  I tried to look at this, but still don't understand what you're talking about.  If you know how to take a screenshot, do that and email it as an attachment, along with your question, to info @ wikitree.com.  I'm sure they'll be able to help you.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi Paula,

You communicated with Tami and then me a little bit about this. I'm afraid I'm still unsure of the problem. Let me know by e-mail next time it happens.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Here's one possibility. It could be that the surname was large, e.g. Smith or Jones, and it was taking a little while to download. For whatever reason the loading of the page was interrupted and you only saw the top of it. When this happens, it's worth trying to force a reload with Cntl-F5.
Hi Chris. I tried log out, then log in. I tried Cntl-F5. I tried waiting. Problem persists. The list of names appear okay, the bottom portion of the page shows properly, but the top portion still shows the icons only. At times, when I scroll over them--the words show, but when I move the mouse away,the words are gone. Weird, right?
Hi Paula. Which words exactly? Can you give me some examples of the text? Also, what browser are you using, e.g. is it Internet Explorer 9 on Vista or Windows 7?
On top, it does show box re: creating Family Reunion, Mysteries, etc.
Below that: just the color icons (unlisted, private, etc) are visible with no words. Below that, icons for Ahnentafel, Printer friendly, etc. with no words.  Below that--the sorting and merging items--nothing shows at all. Only the "?"   but no explanation visible for that. I know the words are all there because, if I let my mouse rest on where the words "should" be, they're visible. If I move the mouse, the words disappear.   Everything below that area shows perfectly.
I have the same problem using IE-9 or Chrome.
For the record: Paula and I communicated more about this by e-mail. It's an IE9 issue. (There are other odd bugs related to IE9, such as problems uploading images. These appear to be things that we can't fix. They happen with other websites as well.)

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