From Right location - you might want to try their free search tool to see if you can locate more if this looks like the correct couple.
U S Census, 1880 Peeples, Hampton, SC
self Charles Terry M 38 SC
wife Matilda Terry F 33 SC
son Richard Terry M 14 SC
dau Alice Terry F 13 SC
son Jacob Terry M 10 SC
dau Rosa Terry F 5 SC
dau Mary Terry F 1 SC
US Census, 1900ED 61 Peeples Township (south part) Hampton & Varnville towns, Hampton, SC
head Charles Terry M 60 b May 1840 SC marr 39 yrs
wife Matilda Terry F 55 b. Apr 1845 SC 9 children 8 living
son Charles Terry M 18 SC
son Grover Terry M 16 SC
dau Minie Terry F 14 SC
son Odah Terry M 11 SC
South Carolina, Deaths
Otis Terry
Death: 01 Dec 1916 Peeples Township, Hampton, SC
Male Colored Married Farmer
age at death: 27y birth abt 1891 Hampton Co.
Father Charles Terry birthplace Hampton Co.
Mother Matilda Lightsey birthplace Hampton Co.