How do I get my "Watchlist" merged to my "Family Tree"?

+2 votes
in Genealogy Help by Living Jorgensen G2G Rookie (190 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
I'm not  at all sure you can.  When you log in to WikiTree, at the top of the window is a list of links.

The first is [Surname: with a place to enter a name] then [My  Nav Page], [Watchlist], [Tree],  [Profile] and [WIkITREE]  This list of links is always there, you can  open each in a new window, or tab if you wish to have them all available on one screen.

I'm sure others will correct this if I've misstated it.
by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
edited by Tom Bredehoft
+1 vote
If I understand what you're asking, you just start from your own profile and add your parents.  If what you uploaded already has all the family relationships in it, that should do it.  If not, you'll have to connect those that aren't to whatever immediate family they have among the people on your watchlist.

If you're inputting profiles online, you just need to include those family connections.
by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.2k points)
+4 votes
Your Watchlist is the list of people you have entered or uploaded into WikiTree.  If they aren't appearing in your Family Tree, it's because they haven't been attached to someone already in the tree ... which usually starts with you. One way to attach parents to a child is in the Edit screen. Best of luck. ~tami
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.4k points)

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