Does anyone know how to obtain information from South africa

+5 votes
in Genealogy Help by Living Amrein G2G1 (1.3k points)

Hello Folks, go to the following link  select “Outside Australia” type in South Africa, press search. This will give you a list of people born in various parts of South Africa who served with the Australian Military Forces during WW2.

Kind regards Ross Geissmann (Queensland Australia)

Thanks but that was no help. My Great grandfather was born in Ireland, lived in New Zealand and South Africa. Died in South Africa. I'm looking for death records, cemetery records and other details about some of his siblings that lived in South Africa. Genealogy Society and Gov't Agents over there are not very helpful. Family Search, both have limited info. Any other suggestions!!  

Regards, Nick

Nick, start by linking to the profile and giving all information and sources on the profile. That way we can probably help you. I see you tagged a place named south. Edit your question and select from the proposed tags.

Here is a link that might help

I am in south Africa. Some time ago I attempted to request info from earlier in the 1900s.

The government official at Home Affairs said that everything from that era was hand written and even if it was possible, it was unlikely. Very unhelpful bunch and they wouldn't accept my application.

Google is everyone's friend
Some records has been digitised from the South African archives through non-govermental efforts but there are limitations for example 100 years for birth, 50-70 years for marriage etc. So getting anything after 1920 is a challenge.

3 Answers

+6 votes
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (739k points)
This site is mainly for birth records and not what I need. Looking for death records, cemetery records.

Then .. in order for us to properly help you .. it would be better if you gave us all the information up front, rather than after we've offered what you say is wrong.

If you know dates, names, places .. any of those will help those who can help, do so better.
Hi Melaine,

I was quite happy to do the research myself if I knew where to go. For you and WikiTree here is the data I have: Bernard RILEY (could also be O'Riley or O'Reilly) born 28 Aug 1840 in Belturbet, Cavan, Ireland. Married Hannah BLACKEY 1862 in Wellington, New Zealand. Hannah Died 1927 in Taumarunui, New Zealand. Parents are Francis Farrell RILEY Born 23 Jul 1820 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Died 26 Sep 1910 in Upper Hutt, New Zealand.  Married Catherine RILEY 1939 in Meath, Ireland Catherine Born 1821 Belturbet, Cavan, Ireland, died 1893 in Turakina, New Zealand.  

Bernard and Hannah had eight children all born in New Zealand (details available) One child (the ninth) we believe born in South Africa to Bernard and another partner about 1885. Name Sarah Elizabeth RILEY. searching for this information. Bernard died in South Africa 1910 we believe Durban. Searching for this information, Death record and cemetery records. Four of his siblings lived in South Africa, the rest lived in New Zealand.


Nick Amrein

You might want to change your tags to south_africa (using the underscore) rather than as separate words.  new_zealand (again with the underscore) might be another to add, in case anyone versed in NZ can assist.  I doubt the "in" tag will get anyone.

Do you have any idea of about when the move to South Africa came about?

ANY information you already have is more than we have, so has to be helpful to those used to South Africa help requests.  (Sadly, I'm not one of those.  NZ I might have been able to do something.)

I'm not sure when those best able to help regards South Africa are likely to be online, but if you fix the tags in your original post, your question should hit their feeds.  :)

Hi Nick

Are you still looking for the information you were after?

If so, do you know Bernard's siblings names?


Hi Skye, Yes I am still searching for info on Bernard RILEY death details in South Africa. Died 1910 in Durban!. His siblings are: Frances Catherine, William George, Thomas William, James, George Blundell, Lilian Amelia, John Ernest, Francis Leonard and Sarah Elizabeth. All born in New Zealand except for Sarah Elizabeth born 1885 Durban!. William, Thomas, George and Sarah lived in South Africa. The rest lived in New Zealand.   I have tried  Gov't Agents, Genealogy Society, Ancestry and Family Search and so far no results. There is also other Family History Details in South Africa that I am searching for and I have not been able to find that. So if you or someone in your organisation knows how to obtain data or family history from South Africa please let me know.

Hi Nick, I'm no organisation - just a keen "genealogist"! laugh

I was going to send you links on John Ernest's wife but then I see you have a tree on Ancestry and that you have the info already.

I'm not having much luck in finding Bernard or his daughter.  I suggest you join the Facebook group South African Genealogy - they're very helpful on there and somebody may know something...

Good luck!

Hi Skye, I tried South African Genealogist and sent several emails and got no results. John Ernest, Uncle Jack as I knew him and spent a lot of time with him and his family in my early teen ages. He was a lovely guy and liked playing cards with us young ones. His first wife Aunt Annie died in South Africa, She caught the "Black Fever" and that made Jack return to New Zealand. Second wife was Aunt Ethel.

Regards, Nick Amrein

Hi Nick, I'm talking about a Facebook Group - you join the group and ask your questions of the members but read the Announcements section first.

There's also a YouTube channel by one of the members - he gives useful tutorials in South African genealogy.


Hi Nick I am replying to ur search on Bernard Riley in South Africa.  Bernard's family r also under O'Riley from Wellington in NZ as Bernard is related to my Riley/O'Riley family here & in South Africa.
Hi Trudy,

I don't check these Wiki Tree comments very often but if you live in South Africa and you say you are related then please reply to my email address:

+4 votes

Here are some links I had saved previously. Some maybe a bit earlier than you are looking for but may help others.Some will only work in Chrome if you add them as a safe site or add flash.

The actual link to SA is broken but should still be somewhere on this site.

Plant Names named after people

Newspaper search

by Julie Rourke G2G6 Mach 1 (13.7k points)
Thanks Julie,

I checked all of the above sites, the only one that had useful info was Ancestors South Africa. but unfortunately nothing there of my family.
+3 votes
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
I am a member of Family Search and searched their data (Natal (NAB) estate files/Wills) and found nothing that relates to my family tree/history. Family Search has very limited data on South Africa. I tried South Africa Genealogy, even joined the South African Genealogy Facebook Group but so far no assistance.
Hi Nick

Let me see if I can find any more links. Will mail some friends so it may take a few days.

Could be a son

Have you seen this profile.'Reilly-54

Collaboration with the manager might help. 

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