Who were John Marshall Adams (of Kentucky) 's parents? Was he was married 3 times?

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by
edited by Keith Hathaway
It would be easier for someone to help you if you included a timeframe - dates or approximate dates of b, m, d?  Might be 1670 or 1980!

Also, if you have the names of any of his wives, children, siblings etc. it might help to find this particular Adams ancestor.

Good Luck

1 Answer

+3 votes
wife #1  margaret jane clay

wife #2 isabella hay

wife #3 dicey stidham (she was previously married w kids and grandkids by the time her and john marshall got together)

born 1842 and died 1932.....adams family (at least mine is anyways) from KY

i descend from albert green adams ----he is the last child of margaret clay (guessing she died from childbirth as it wasnt long after albert was born she died)

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