Can you decide your answer to a question is the best answer?

+9 votes
Just curious - once a member answers a question, it appears that he or she can decide that their answer is the best answer, even if it is the only there at the moment.

Seems kind of off-kilter to me, but maybe I am missing something. I was thinking that the community in general, or the person who answered the question, ought to be the ones to make that decision.
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G3 (3.4k points)
edited by Chris Whitten
I have come across more than one or more answers I think were right least for me....So why couldn't two answers be "stared" ?

3 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
The community has the choice of chosing the best answer and if there is another answer that best suits the question, the best answer chosen earlier can be changed by another  answer if selected by other individuals.
by Living Hammond G2G6 Mach 8 (88.6k points)
selected by Kitty Smith
+10 votes
I would suspect that is sorta covered in the Honor Code. Not explicily, but through general ethics.
by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
It might also be an error/accident.

I clicked on that little star once because I didn't have a clue what it was for -

and lo' and behold - I commended myself!

Or someone could just mouse over it, and accidentally hit the button?
Very true - but can't you "unstar" it?
You right, you can't, I tried!
But doesn't the best answer change if another best answer is selected by another individual?

So it seems that this flaw still has a way to be corrected if the community provides an input.
I did choose by accident my own answer, but another click and the choice was deleted, so it is possible!

Yeas you can.
+6 votes

To me, that is an action that should be reserved for the person that asked the question, nobody else. 

by Geoff Masters G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)

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