Challenge of the week: Help clean up problematic dates [closed]

+17 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

Will you join our Data Doctors Challenge for this week?           

Aleš's "WikiTree+" data analysis has uncovered thousands of profiles with dates that need some special attention, e.g. people who lived 115+ years, or had children after they were 100, or got married before they were born, etc. Some of these are obvious typos and easy to fix. Many require research.

Here is the table of profiles with problematic dates.

After you investigate something, set the status [more info]. That will earn you a point. The member with the most points at 11:59pm EDT on Sunday night will get the badge and the bragging rights. But we'll all benefit from a neater, cleaner shared tree.           

If you're participating, please post here to let us know. It helps us avoid stepping on each others' toes, and it's nice to cheer each other on. Also post here if you have any questions about how to participate. 

Thanks for helping!

P.S. If you want to chat or coordinate what you are working on with others, in addition to this G2G post there is a handy spreadsheet courtesy of Steven Tibbetts. 

Real-time tracking results: See your stats
alongside other participants here.

Top 10

WikiTree profile: Space:DD_Challenge_Dates_X
closed with the note: Challenge is finished
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Eowyn Langholf
Challenge is active
Just a question I use to go to find and then projects and then to data doctor but it is no longer listed under the help projects
the projects were reordered, it is now grouped under Functional Projects (the third grouping) and DD is the sixth one down in that group . i hope that is what you mean.
What do we do with listings that have been corrected. but someone forgot to change the status and it is still on the list (change was a day ago).
I have some time to help.
Rebecca, the one drawback to the suggestion report is even if fixed, it remains until the next time it is run. That is sort of the whole reason for the spreadsheet so people can mark and note what they work on so others can work around each other.

If someone is doing suggestion 663 but only in Massachusetts, it is nice to know this when you start running into ones already done.
I can help
I will do what I can
Will do what I can.

Nothing has updated on counts all afternoon . Are we having issues?

tx. Fixed.
The tracker has been out all day now the status will not load



Where's my hero  Aleš ? Please kick the vending machine. We all want our change.

7 Answers

+12 votes
How in the world am I the first person to respond here?

I have some time to work on this tonight. Maybe tomorrow night ... we'll see. :-)
by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (522k points)
+11 votes

I have been working on this for a few days now, but today there seems to be an error whenever I click on the status button. It give me: "ErrID = 601 UserID1 = 23464396 UserID2 = 0 IP= Suggestion corrected."

by Olin Coles G2G6 Mach 2 (22.8k points)
This problem persisted all day long yesterday from all my computers, and yet nobody seemed to confirm or respond. Today it is back to normal.
So I think I figured out that that code is on records already corrected.
+10 votes
I will play!
by Rebecca Peterson G2G6 Mach 2 (20.4k points)
+10 votes
I'll give this a go, especially if there are any profiles on my own Watchlist (but also always willing to help others with theirs.
by Ron Johnson G2G6 Mach 4 (40.1k points)
+11 votes
I will work on profiles on the Arizona list, in the 1800-1899 range, especially errors 205 and 305.
by Pam Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
+9 votes
I have never done this before and have a question. I’ve looked at 2 profiles with problem dates. One had the wrong spouse and one was linked by the profile owner to what looks like a completely random family in the USA. I contacted the profile owners as I was worried about disconnecting members of their family, and sent a message to the randomly linked profile owner but what is the etiquette? I feel I’m treading on someone else’s tree.
I don't know why no one has responded, but I wanted to say thank you for tackling these!  It sounds like you're doing exactly what is needed.
+6 votes
Will try to do a few tomorrow from the England list
by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (357k points)

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