There are three Morris Mitchells on WikiTree that can be found in the Surname search at:
You might want to check those out and see if it's the person you are seeking.
If you find one that is correct, under the person's details on the left side, there is a link that looks like this: Profile manager: ____________ [send private message]
You can click on the [send private message] link to share your information and ask questions that you might have of the manager who entered the Profile.
If none of those is a match, it would help if you provided any details that you might know of on your Morris, including
Location: Country >Province/Regions/State/County > City, town of b, m, d.
Dates or approximate dates of b, m, d.
Names of parents, siblings, spouses, children.
That way it's much easier for someone to assist you in finding an ancestor.
Good Luck